
5 Best Moments from Latest X-Men: Apocalypse Trailer

, and the actual nuclear apocalypse, here are the five coolest moments we chose.X-Men: Apocalypse […]

The new X-Men: Apocalypse trailer is full of exciting moments. There’s much more direct action in the trailer, with less exposition about Apocalypse’s millennia-long history and more mutants punching and kicking each other in the face.

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Of course, that actually makes a five moments piece a little harder, as there are easily ten that can make you saw “Oh my stars and garters” in this couple of minutes of footage.

We’ve narrowed it down, though, so with apologies to Apocalypse dropping a room full of people with a literal look, Storm and Psylocke both kicking all sorts of butt (we’ve featured them both heavily in previous such countdowns), and the actual nuclear apocalypse, here are the five coolest moments we chose.

X-Men: Apocalypse hits theaters May 27, 2016.

Yes, Mystique is Blue in This Movie

Much was said about Mystique’s appearance in the last trailer – namely that she, the once “MUTANT AND PROUD” champion, was appearing as the pretty white girl Jennifer Lawrence in basically the whole thing. Luckily, this time around we get plenty of shots of her as the blue-skinned shapeshifter; hopefully we’ll see some creative use of the shapeshiftingย this time around, too, and not just “oh look, I look like a soldier now for fifteen seconds.”

Apocalypse Reborn – From Alien Tech?

The transformation from En Sabahย Nur to Apocalypse is shown in this trailer in a ceremony in ancient Egypt – that’s using extremely advanced technology. Depending on what portion of Apocalypse’s comic book origins you’re reading, the tech that greatly enhances his powers and lifespan comes from one of three sources: the future, via Rama-Tut/Kang the Conqueror, Celestials, and/or Shi’arย tech. Celestialsย are right out – they’re in the MCU, but Shi’ar, as the X-Men’s resident aliens, would be an intriguing connection. It could open up the X-Men to doing a big space-faring adventure, with the possibility of the Starjammers and a proper Phoenix Saga film. Please. Please let this be Shi’arย tech, and identified as such.

Mutant on Mutant Fighting

In the X-Men movies, we really don’t getย that much mutant on mutant fighting, but it looks like that will be heavily rectified here. We see Angel and Nightcrawler in some kind of superpoweredย fight club, Archangel’s daggers being deflected by Jean Grey’s telekinesis, and Psylocke and Beast going one-on-one. It’ll be cool to see those individual match-ups, a hallmark of this kind of story in the comics that sometimes gets ignored in the films.

Havok Unleashed!

Since Havok, akaย Alex Summers, was introduced inย X-Men: First Class, he got his little training montage and then… yeah, not much. Well, it looks like he’ll get unleashed for the first time on the big screen, and this particular Havokย fanatic cannot wait. The scene is worrisome, though, as it looks like it’s taking place inside Cerebro, meaning that blast of power is likely disastrous. Judging by the positioning, best guess is Xavier trying to use Havokย to find his brother, Cyclops. Hopefully he also gets to blast a villain in the head with the full force of his plasma burst.

Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen

Yeah, we’ve seen the photoshoppedย posters and magazine covers, but here we have a clear, in-movie look at Apocalypse and his Four Horsemen, ready to do some damage. It’s a gorgeous shot completely full of potential. “Look, my Horsemen, at all we will destroy,” it seems to say, and that’s a great way to show the terror this villain and his cohorts should inspire.