Throughout fiction, a hero is usually only as good as their villain. If JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is known for anything, its for the seemingly never ending stream of Enemy Stands that threaten both the Joestar bloodline and their fans throughout the different installments of the franchise. Now, we’ve taken the opportunity to list our top favorite Enemy Stands that have terrified heroes and civilians alike throughout the installments of Stardust Crusaders, Diamond Is Unbreakable, and Golden Wind.
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So here are the ground rules. We’re only going to be choosing Stands from the anime, as Enemy Stands from the next installments of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure such as Stone Ocean and Cannonball Run could be considered some serious spoilers. Our top ten list isn’t in any particular rating scale to boot, as it would be nigh impossible for us to choose between the likes of Cheap Trick and King Crimson, just based on how weird they are! With all that being said, we love Enemy Stands and can’t wait to see what new villains are created in the future of Araki’s long running franchise!
Death Thirteen

Stand User: Mannish Boy
Appearance: Stardust Crusaders
What is essentially the “Freddy Krueger” of the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure franchise, Death Thirteen attacks Kakyoin and the other protagonists when they sleep. Entering into their dreams and having the ability to control everything that takes place within them, this terrifying “Grim Reaper” with a clown-like appearance stalks the heroes of Stardust Crusaders when Joseph Joestar comes across a tiny baby named “Mannish Boy”. The nefarious infant’s Stand activities in the vicinity of the user, with those sleeping nearby having to deal with Death Thirteen and his ability to injure and/or kill the victim whose dream it enters.
The combination of Death Thirteen’s terrifying appearance and power set makes him one of Dio Brando’s most effective Stands within his employ, and is a worthy addition to our list.

Stand User: Vanilla Ice
Appearance: Stardust Crusaders
Vanilla Ice uses this scary Stand to take more from the protagonists than perhaps any other character in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders. Killing both Avdol and Iggy, Cream matches the ferocity of the vampire that wields it. Cream has the ability to teleport and create a portal within a “void dimension” that can simultaneously be used to destroy anything in its path. Polnareff is nearly killed avenging his friends against the power of this terrifying being, though Vanilla Ice is eventually shown the light and Cream disappears alongside its master.
Cheap Trick

Stand User: Masazo Kinoto (And Kishibe Rohan briefly)
Appearance: Diamond Is Unbreakable
Cheap Trick is definitely one of the crazier entries into our list. Appearing in Diamond Is Unbreakable and attempting to kill the mangaka Kishibe Rohan, the gremlin like Stand latches onto its users back permanently. Unlike so many other Stands, Cheap Trick jumps from person to person, transitioning to new users when its previous “partner” dies. The Enemy Stand will transition to its next victim when it is seen, making the wielder of the Stand attempt to escape the precarious situation. Rohan, for example, moves across the world with his back up against everything to try to save his own life. Luckily, Kishibe eventually wins the day but the strangeness of Cheap Trick lives on!
Notorious BIG

Stand User: Carne
Appearance: Golden Wind
Like Cheap Trick, Notorious B.I.G. is an outright almost incomprehensible Stand. Starting out as the Stand of Carne, the human user is killed almost instantly by Mista in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. Unfortunately for Giorno and company, this act unlocks B.I.G.’s true power, creating a symbiotic relationship to whoever touches its previous owner. With Giorno, Trish, and the rest of the crew hopping on a plane, B.I.G. attempts to kill everyone on board, with its flesh eating ability deploying toward any enemy that makes a nearby sound. Luckily, they’re saved thanks to Trish’s newly discovered Stand of Spice Girl, but it made for one of the most tense encounters of the franchise overall.
Atom Heart Father

Stand User: Yoshihiro Kira
Appearance: Diamond Is Unbreakable
The father of Yoshikage Kira, the main antagonist of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable, Atom Heart Father is a unique stand that allows Yohihiro to pull off one of the most bizarre abilities in the series. Living inside of a polaroid picture, Yoshihiro vows to protect his son by any means necessary thanks to Atom Heart Father. Not just granting him a strange new existence within a photograph, the Stand also allows Yoshihiro to manipulate anything in the room where the picture itself was taken. To go into the further abilities of this Stand would take numerous more paragraphs, so we’ll simply say that this unique Enemy Stand is well worth being a part of our list and makes for one of the most head scratching entries from Diamond Is Unbreakable!
White Album

Stand User: Ghiaccio
Appearance: Golden Wind
The group of Passione members looking to dethrone Diavolo are some of the biggest threats outside of the mafia boss himself that Giorno and the rest of his crew have to tangle with in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind. What White Album does for its foul mouothed user Ghiaccio makes it one of the best Enemy Stands on the list, essentially turning the villain into Marvel’s Iceman. With his Stand, Ghiacchio spawns a suit of armor that allows him to manipulate ice and skate toward his opponents at high speed. The armor itself also deflects numerous types of damage, which also gives way to White Album’s strongest ability: Gently Weeps. With this ultimate power, Ghiaccio can freeze anything around him to stop projectiles and freeze nearly everything close to his person.
Killer Queen

Stand User: Yoshikage Kira
Appearance: Diamond Is Unbreakable
Now we’re getting into the “heavy hitters” of the franchise, as Killer Queen functions as the top antagonistic Stand of the fourth season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Diamond Is Unbreakable. Wiedled by the serial killer Yoshikage Kira, this Enemy Stand has the devastating ability to set and detonate bombs onto anything that it touches. It’s the numerous other abilities that Killer Queen wields that make it so dangerous at the end of the day with its remote bomb, Sheer Heart Attack, and its ultimate attack of “Bites The Dust” making for some of the most terrifying attacks in the franchise to date. Kira and Queen make for two of the scariest villains in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which is quite a feat considering the other main villains that appear.
King Crimson

Stand User: Diavolo
Appearance: Golden Wind
Oh good old King Crimson. You just HAD to know that the top Enemy Stand of Golden Wind was going to make the list. The Enemy Stand of Diavolo, the number one villain that ruled the Passione mob with an iron fist, had abilities that are still questioned to this day. With King Crimson’s ability to “erase time” fans are still left wondering just how on earth this power works. Thanks to its striking design and dangerous power, it has become one of the most discussed Enemy Stands to this day. Though he is currently locked in a time loop with his master thanks to Golden Wind Requiem, his legacy lives on.
The World

Stand User: Dio Brando
Appearance: Stardust Crusaders
Now we reach the biggest of the bad with Dio Brando’s “The World”, or as Dio puts it in the anime series, “THE WOORRLLLDDDOOOOO!” The World is actually the Stand of Jonathan Joestar, with Dio managing to access its power once he took Jonathan’s body at the end of the first season, Phantom Blood. With the ability to fire off a series of machine gun blows like the other Joestar Stands, as well as the ability to freeze time for several seconds, the Enemy Stand is just as deadly as its vampiric user. The World will always be one of the most recognizable enemies in the franchise of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and it’s no surprise that it earned its place on our list.

Stand User: Forever (An Orangutan Sea Captain)
Appearance: Stardust Crusaders
We left the weirdest for last with the absolutely bonkers team of Strength and Forever. Strength, being the Enemy Stand, is literally a giant yacht that Jotaro and his friends find themselves on as they travel toward Dio Brando’s stronghold. Forever is a pornographic loving Orangutan Sea Captain who has the ability to psychically manipulate the yacht and everything within it. When we want to sell people on the insanity that is JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, we point to Forever and his Stand Strength. He is too weird to be believed and clearly earned his spot onto our list of top Enemy Stands