
Brazilian Politician Parodies Bleach, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War in New Ads


It looks like anime has found its way into politics once again. Kim Kataguiri, a Brazilian politician known for their online personality, decided it was time to use anime as a way of charming unsure voters ahead of an election this week. After all, Kataguiri has posted two videos parodying different anime series, so it is up to constituents to decide how these ads contribute to his platform.

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The first video, as you can see above, is a parody of Kaguya-sama: Love Is War. The clip shows Kataguiri dressed in a school uniform while a Chika cosplayer does the anime’s viral ‘Chika’ dance. The ad even goes so far as to parody the anime’s ending theme, so you can give it a listen.

As for his second ad, Kataguiri decided to parody Bleach. The politician dressed up as Ichigo Kurosaki, and he alters the lyrics to “Rolling Star” from the original anime. The lyric changes reference everything from Naruto to tax rates, so you can see why the ads have gone viral.

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Of course, this is not the first time anime has fallen into the world of politics. Last year, representative Paul Gosar made headlines for tweeting an Attack on Titan edit that showed him slaying a Titan. However, the giant in question was edited to look like fellow representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Arizona congressman earned universal backlash for the graphic post. And when looking outside of the United States, countries like Japan have used anime (legally or otherwise) to advertise their platform ahead of elections. 

What do you make of this latest political stunt? Are you surprised to see how often anime is popping up in politics these days? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.