The world of Attack On Titan was dealt a heavy blow with the news that Haruma Miura, a live action actor who portrayed Eren Jaeger in the feature length film released 2015, has passed away in his home of a suspected suicide. The live action film, which told the earliest stories from the popular anime franchise, was the first time that the characters and creatures of Hajime Isayama’s dark series were brought to life on the silver screen and Miura will be severely missed from the world of anime and movies following his passing.
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Miura had a bevy of roles under his belt even as the young age of 30, not just bringing to life Eren Jaeger to live action, but lending his voice to the titular space pirate of Captain Harlock in the feature length computer generated film of Captain Harlock: Space Pirate that was released in 2013. On top of these roles, Miura was also set to appear once again in the Confidence Man franchise, with an as yet released sequel in Confidence Man JP: Princess, which will be released later this month following a delay caused by the coronavirus pandemic. With a number of other movies having already wrapped that star Miura, it’s a tragedy that his career was cut short at such a young age.
Attack On Titan Wiki shared the news via their Twitter Account, attaching an image of Haruma Miura as the main protagonist of the live action interpretation of Hajime Isayama’s franchise that has become so popular among fans of anime and manga alike the world over:
It is with great sadness to inform you that Japanese Actor Haruma Miura has passed away at the age of 30.
He played the role of Eren in the Japanese Attack on Titan Live Action Movie.
The cause of death is presumed to be suicide.
— Attack on Titan Wiki (@AoTWiki) July 18, 2020
Attack On Titan is moving forward with its finale through both the anime and the manga that it is currently appearing in as it follows the story of Eren Jaeger and the Survey Corps. The series has definitely received a heavy blow with Haruma Miura’s absence should the franchise be looking to return to the live action films in the future. will continue to provide updates on the situation as they are released. Our thoughts are with everyone affected by this tragedy.