Wit Studio was responsible for both the anime series of Attack On Titan’s first three seasons and the popular viking anime known as Vinland Saga, and while the last season of the Survey Corps won’t see the studio return, the director of Wit Studio’s epic viking story helped put together the trailer for the finale season of Eren Jaeger and company! While many fans are disappointed that Wit Studio won’t be returning to finish the series considering they had done the entirety of Attack On Titan up to this point, the trailer from Studio MAPPA helped alleviate a number of fears.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Vinland Saga, for those who haven’t seen it, is a whirlwind of an anime series that follows exaggerated true life events that featured the war between England and the Danes. With the anime placing a spotlight on the young viking named Thorfinn, attempting to get revenge for his father’s death by travelling alongside the very man that killed him, the series ended its first season with a bang by killing one of the main characters of the series. Though a second season has yet to be confirmed for Vinland Saga, there have been plenty of rumors bouncing around that work has already begun on another visit to this viking franchise!
Vinland Saga director, Shuehei Yabuta, made a declaration via his Official Twitter Account that he was in fact the one who had created the storyboards and direction for the first trailer for the upcoming final season of Attack On Titan that introduced us to new characters and the war of the franchise being brought to Marley:
By a curious coincidence, I wrote the storyboard and directed the PV of #AoT Final Season! I’m so grateful for this opportunity!
The director of main series is Yuichiro Hayashi! (Dorohedoro, Kakegurui, Garo: Divine Flame.) #MAPPA !
Stay tuned(^-^)/#shingeki #進撃の巨人 https://t.co/OT8J4uuR09
— やぶた (@yabshu55) May 29, 2020
Attack On Titan’s fourth season was originally supposed to be released later this year, but it’s unknown as to whether or not it will still be making that release date, thanks in part to the coronavirus. Regardless, fans cannot be more excited to see the final chapters of the dark franchise that will wrap the story of the war between Marley and Eldia.
What did you think of the trailer for Attack On Titan’s final season? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, vikings, and titans!