The world of Attack on Titan is a bleak one, with the four season of the anime adaptation taking us through the hard lives of Eren, Armin, and Mikasa as they attempt to discover the secrets of their world. With next year seeing the release of the final episodes of the animated series, MAPPA has once again released a poster that not only highlights the Scout Regiment, but perhaps gives them the most color that they’ve ever received to date.
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In the season finale, the Scout Regiment managed to accomplish their goal of acquiring an airboat to meet Eren face-to-face, as the current Founding Titan moves closer to his goal of eradicating all life that exists outside of the borders of Paradis. With Armin, Mikasa, and several other key players in the Scouts now joining forces with some notable members of the nation of Marley, including Annie, Reiner, and Pieck to name a few, it’s a race against time as the new Survey Corps attempts to figure out how exactly they’ll ultimately be able to stop Eren. Needless to say, if Armin and company are forced to take arms up against Jaeger, it’s a fight they might not be able to win.
Twitter Outlet Attack on Titan Wiki shared the new colorful poster for Attack on Titan, with Studio MAPPA envisioning the key members of Hajime Isayama’s franchise in a very different way, as the Scouts have apparently decided to pick up some paintbrushes to throw around a large amount of paint:
The final installments of Attack on Titan landing next year will, reportedly, be four one-hour long specials, that will wrap the long-running series once and for all. Hajime Isayama, the creator of the franchise, hasn’t made any hints toward the idea of the series eventually garnering a season, though the director’s cut of the final chapter of the manga does leave some hints that the story could continue if he wished to dip his toes back into the dark world he created.
What do you think of this colorful new illustration for the Scout Regiment? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Titans.