Attack on Titan has been at the top of the anime food chain for years now, and soon, the series will come to an end. Studio MAPPA will unleash the show’s final episodes next year as the war between Eren and the rest of humanity kicks off in earnest. As you can imagine, things are going to get brutal in the way only Attack on Titan does, but some content may have to be censored when it first drops. But as we can see in season four’s current Blu-rays, well – that censorship does not extend to the home releases.
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Over on social media, Attack on Titan began trending recently as footage from season four was compared side by side. Images from the anime’s network airtime were shown beside footage from the Attack on Titan Blu-ray, and as you can see below, there are some differences.
For the most part, Attack on Titan did not need to censor content in season four given its late-night slot overseas, but some things cannot be helped. Studio MAPPA did have to censor its gorier images including exposed bones, scalping, and more. One of the most noticeable moments of censorship comes towards the end of Season 4B once The Rumbling begins. With Eren at the lead, fans can only watch as some Marleyean soldiers are straight-up vaporized by the army’s steaming skin, so they are basically melted. In the TV version, the image is darkened to a point where it is hard to make out what’s going on. But above, fans can see the home video clears up the image and adds some extra gore to showcase just how gnarly The Rumbling really is.
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Of course, season four is not over yet, and some intense scenes are on the horizon. In fact, one of the most traumatizing scenes in Attack on Titan has yet to hit the screen. The Rumbling’s full devastation has not been felt yet, and manga readers know one of its deaths will stir debate like few others when season four returns. And if MAPPA finds away to avoid censoring the scene, we will be more than surprised.
How do you feel Attack on Titan has handled censorship to date? Are you excited for season four to finish up next year? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.