Attack on Titan Announces Its Title for Episode 83
Attack on Titan has followed Eren since he was a little kid, and fans have grown up with the hero as he fought against the titans ruling his world. In the past few years, the anime has turned the star's whole life upside down, and season four is taking things to new heights. Now, we know a bit more about one of its upcoming episodes, and it seems things are only getting crazier as the series finale draws nearer.
The update comes from Attack on Titan's official website in Japan. The page updated its schedule page to showcase the title for episode 83. It was there fans learned the title is "Pride" which should sound familiar to manga readers.
Episode 83「矜持」"Pride"
— Attack On Fans (@AttackOnFans) February 7, 2022
After all, this title was taken straight from the Attack on Titan manga. Hajime Isayama titled chapter 126 the same, so fans who read the manga know what's going to go down here. Episode 83 will still check on the fallout from Eren's big turn, but all eyes will be on Connie this episode rather than Mikasa's friend.
If you have read the manga, you will know "Pride" follows Connie as he tries to justify a horrific choice that could bring him his mom back. Armin and Gabi get swept up in the ordeal before long while Levi and Theo have an important chat across town. The two military leaders must decide how their forces can stop Eren from culling all mankind to save the Eldian race. And by the chapter's end, the soldiers find a shocking solution to their dilemma.
If you need to catch up on Attack on Titan, the anime is being simulcast over on Crunchyroll, Hulu, and Funimation. The streaming platforms have seasons one through three available in full, and season four is slated to end by the end of March.
What do you make of this latest title announcement? Are you loving Attack on Titan season four so far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.