Avatar The Last Airbender has arrived on Netflix and throughout the sixty one episodes, there are some of the most fast paced action sequences ever seen in an animated season, but there are also some of the most emotionally hard hitting ones to boot and we’ve narrowed them down. We’re not ashamed to admit that a few of these scenes made our eyes misty when the series wrapped up the story of Aang and his friends attempting to take down the Fire Nation and their plan of taking over the world. With the series on Netflix, you can either relive these scenes or witness them for the first time!
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What was your most heart wrenching moment from Avatar The Last Airbender? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the benders!
Iroh’s Annual Tradition

We might as well get the saddest moment of the series out of the way first! In the episode titled “Tales Of Ba Sing Se”, we witnessed a very important annual tradition that General Iroh would perform wherein he creates a mini-shrine to his departed son who had died in a previous Fire Nation battle as a soldier. Singing the song “Leaves From The Vine”

Katara had an internal struggle the likes of which she had never known in the episode, “The Puppetmaster”, where she was introduced to one of the most powerful abilities that one could learn with water bending which was also one of its most forbidden. While you might believe that learning to take control of an opponent’s body would be one of the biggest abilities that Katara and her friends would use to their advantage, the idea of being able to control others was one that the water bender simply didn’t want to learn. Tricked into learning it however, Katara broke down at the terrifying new power she had learned and the burden she would have to shoulder as a result of it.
Zuko Becomes An Exile

Throughout the series of Avatar The Last Airbender, we got to know the complicated character that was the prince of the Fire Nation in Zuko. Tasked with capturing the Avatar as penance for daring to disobey his father, Zuko wasn’t just exiled from his home, but was scarred by his father, the Fire Lord, with a blast of flame that was permenant. As the series progressed, we got to know Zuko for the “grey” character that he was and during this flashback, saw the true tragedy in the event that led to his banishment from the Fire Nation!
Appa Is Lost

During the second season, Aang and his friends’ preferred method of travel in Appa was captured by some “sand benders” and he was separated from the group. In a stand alone episode, Appa is sold to a travelling circus and has to go through abuse at the hands of the performer. Eventually escaping and travelling through other adventures, Appa has to go through some sad adventures that still doesn’t result in him reuniting with Aang at the end. Truly a sad episode.
Aang Learns He Truly Is The Last Airbender

Avatar The Last Airbender made Aang “The Last Airbender” by placing him inside a block of ice where he was freed years later. When he went back to his home that he had been away from for around one thousand years, he returned only to see that everyone he had ever known was now dead. It would be a lot for anyone to take in, let alone a young child who was also struggling with his status as the Avatar!
The Finale
While the series gave us a definitive ending for so many of the beloved characters of the series, it was honestly just sad to see it come to an end at all. While the series was given a sequel in the Legend Of Korra, it was tragic to see Aang and his friends’ journey come to an end, even if the world was brought peace and the Fire Lord was defeated in the process!