Baki Hanma’s second season has arrived on Netflix, pitting the strongest teenager in the world against a prehistoric threat in the hilariously named Pickle. Started by mangaka Keisuke Itagaki in 1991, the manga series has continued for decades by following Baki in his quest to overtake his father Yujiro and thus become the new strongest human on Earth. Recently, Baki The Grappler’s latest manga came to an end, but luckily, the series has recently confirmed that a new storyline is set to land later this summer.
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One of the biggest strengths of Baki The Grappler is that the series is unapologetically bizarre, often presenting battles to Baki and his comrades that have never been seen in anime history. Of course, a prime example is this latest season of the anime adaptation wherein the brawlers are testing their skills against a caveman named Pickle, but there’s been plenty of other wild moments in the series’ history to date. In the previous anime adaptation’s season, Baki found himself fighting in an environment where Mike Tyson and Che Guevara resided, with the season also seeing the “Son of the Ogre” training with a giant praying mantis. Needless to say, should the anime continue with a third season of Baki Hanma, there are plenty of wild moments left to adapt.
Baki The Grappler Returns
Earlier this year, the latest Baki manga arc came to an end, with that storyline focusing on the Son of the Ogre fighting against the man responsible for the creation of Sumo. With decades of stories under its belt, the manga series could potentially give the anime adaptation quite a few seasons should it continue. At present, Keisuke Itagaki has shown no signs of bringing Baki’s tale to a close. The new storyline will arrive in an upcoming issue of Weekly Shonen Champion on August 24th of next month, though details about the new arc are few and far between.
While the latest season of Baki Hanma began by focusing on the fight against Pickle, the second arc of this latest season will arrive next month and focus on a long-awaited rematch. Baki will attempt once again to defeat his father, Yujiro Hanma, in the “Father Vs Son Arc” though his victory is far from assured.
What do you hope the next arc of Baki The Grappler will cover? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Baki Hanma.