Black Clover is now in the midst of the Judgment Day war for the fate of the Clover Kingdom with the latest chapters of the manga, and the cliffhanger from the newest Black Clover chapter reveals just how much more strong Asta has become for the final arc’s big battles! Black Clover‘s manga kicked off the final arc with a surprising loss for Asta as he quickly learned that he was no match for Lucius Zogratis. But that loss eventually worked out in his favor as he started a final training arc to get a new technique that would help even the odds.ย
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Black Clover’s Judgment Day war has been a string of losses for the Clover Kingdom as the Magic Knights had been struggling against each of Lucius’ Paladins up to this point, but the Black Bulls fought to their last breath when trying their best to help Asta get back to the battlefield in full. Thankfully, this ended up working out in their favor and Asta is already swinging the fight back in the Clover Kingdom’s direction with just how much stronger he’s gotten with his training in the Land of the Sun.ย

Black Clover: How Strong Is Asta Now?ย
Black Clover Chapter 366 picks up shortly after the Door of Fate ritual successfully brought Asta back to the battlefield, and it’s revealed that Ichika Yami has been brought to the fight as well thanks to Shogun Ryuya’s orders. Despite how overwhelming strong the Paladin Damnatio was revealed to be in the fight against the Black Bulls in the previous chapters, Asta’s anti-magic power and control has grown so much since heading to the Land of the Sun that he cancels out all of Damnatio’s atmosphere magic attacks with ease.ย
Asta calmly walks up to Damnatio and wells up his Anti-Magic power, and as the chapter comes to an end he hits the Paladin with a single Zetten strike that he had mastered during his Land of the Sun training. It was proven enough to defeat the first Paladins he faced off against before, and now it’s looking like it will be just as effective in his fights through the Clover Kingdom as well. The Black Bulls bet everything on Asta, and it just might pay off.ย
What are you hoping to see from Asta’s fights in Black Clover’s final arc? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!