
Black Clover Explores Grey’s Emotional Origin Story

Black Clover explored Grey’s emotional origin story with the newest episode of the series! The […]

Black Clover explored Grey’s emotional origin story with the newest episode of the series! The fights against the Spade Kingdom’s Dark Triad are now in full force, and while these fights are undoubtedly going to be the anchor for the next few episodes, they are far from the only reason to tune in. Because while the various Clover Kingdom knights face off against the Zogratis siblings and their dark disciples, the anime is taking the time to better flesh out some of the side characters that we have come to know and love through the series thus far.

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Episode 163 spends some time further fleshing out the small connection springing up between Black Bulls members Gauche and Grey. Following Gauche getting pierced through the chest by Dante’s attacks in the previous episodes, Grey has been tearfully looking back on her past with him and it’s apparent that he ended up saving her at a moment of emotional crisis before becoming members of the same squad through chance.

Through a flashback showing off her past, it’s revealed that Grey actually lived a Cinderella kind of life. She had been mistreated by her mother and sisters, and forced to clean their house on a daily basis. They constantly berated and called her ugly (which does explain her embarrassment at showing her real self), and this continued when Grey discovered that her magic allowed her to transform into others.

Transforming into one of her sisters angers them, and they chase her out of the house. Without knowing how to change back, Grey is almost attacked by a shady group for seeming like one of the rich members of her well off family like her sisters. But soon it’s revealed that Gauche saves her in just the right time.

Through his saving her and giving her a pep talk about what it takes to live alone, she was inspired enough to give it a try. Some time later she found that they had both joined the same squad and it seems she harbors feelings for him. Following this flashback reveals she has new aspects of her magic that shows that she can heal the massive wound Gauche had in his stomach.

Though it’s not clear exactly what her magic truly is, it’s clear she’s an Arcane Stage mage as well. What did you think of this look into Grey’s origin story? Surprise to see such a tie to Gauche’s past? Do you think Gauche realizes he met Grey years before? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!