Black Clover is now working its way through the final chapters of the series overall, and its comeback later this Fall is going to be the biggest update fans have gotten all year. As Black Clover makes its way through the final chapters of its story, series creator Yuki Tabata has shifted over to seasonal release schedule with Shueisha’s Jump GIGA magazine for his better health and planning. With the first quarterly updates through the year thus far, fans have been treated with not only double length chapters but multiple chapters at a time as well. It’s much heftier than it would have been on its previously weekly release pace.ย
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In fact, the last two batches of chapters had been updated with two new chapters of Black Clover each in the Spring and Summer releases. This hot streak is going to continue, and go even further as Shueisha has revealed that Autumn 2024 release of Jump GIGA magazine on November 15th in Japan will feature three new chapters of Black Clover. This will feature a total of 61 pages, and makes for the meatiest update yet. But unfortunately, this also means a likely massive step closer to the grand finale.ย

When Will Black Clover End?ย
Black Clover Chapters 374-376 will be releasing on November 15th in Japan, and will likely bring us right to the grand finale. With each of the updates we’ve gotten so far, a key fight in the final arc has come to an end. The Black Bulls have started to quickly defeat the Lucius Zogratis clones, Mereoleona Vermillion completely wiped out the Paladin Moris, and the last update from the Summer saw Noelle band together with the rest of the Silva Family to defeat their mother turned Paladin, Acier. So that only leaves a few fights left.ย
If these three next chapters are able to wrap up another major fight, it’s not too long before it all ends. All that’s left are seeing more of the Black Bulls and others wiping out the few remaining Zogratis clones, Paladin Damnatio needs to be defeated, and the fight between Yami and Paladin Morgen needs to be seen as well. Then it’ll bring us to the climax of the war, the final tag team between Asta and Yuno as they’re facing off against Lucius. It’s all ending some time in 2025 at the latest, it’s just a matter of when that will actually go down.ย
How Will Black Clover End?ย
These next three chapters of Black Clover will likely be settling one, if not more of these final fights. So then the final updates coming last will then focus on Asta and Yuno’s fight against Lucius. It’s highly likely that like many of the foes they have fought together before, the two of them will be able to completely defeat Lucius thanks to the power of their teamwork with Asta dealing the final blow. It’s from here we’ll get to see them choosing a new Wizard King, and it won’t be Asta or Yuno, it’ll be one of the Captains.ย
It’s kind of the case for a series like Black Clover where it’ll borrow from the Naruto formula, and this immediate battle will be followed with someone with tenure becoming the next Wizard King. Then we’ll get to see a time jump of some sort that’s confirmed either Asta or Yuno has become the Wizard King (likely Asta, since Yuno is a royal from the Spade Kingdom) and their rivalry will just keep on going as the series comes to an end.ย