The showrunner behind Netflix’s new Cowboy Bebop series dished on the big movie villain tease for Season 2 of the series! The weeks leading into the debut of the new live-action take on the classic anime series had revealed a number of the bounties and other villains from that original series making their way into the debut season of the new adaptation. Fans saw how some of the more iconic fights from the original were translated, and the final moments of that debut season dropped a tease for an even more iconic villain from the franchise who could potentially make an appearance in a potential second season.
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While a second season of Cowboy Bebop has yet to be announced by Netflix, the seeds have been planted for what could come next with the final moments debuting the fan favorite Ed to the new series. This was exciting not only because it was the final piece missing from that original anime’s crew, but with Ed’s debut came a major tease for Vincent Volaju, who Ed refers to as the “Butterfly Man”, and who was the main antagonist of the feature film, Cowboy Bebop: Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door.

Speaking about the tease during the special after show, Cowboy Bebop: Unlocked, showrunner Andre Nemec played coy about whether or not this tease referring to Volaju meant that the villain would be appearing in the second season, but had dropped a spicy clue, “…Ed will get our gang into a lot of trouble as she’s known to do, so they just might be up against some terrifying people in Season 2.” It’s not much as Nemec admitted he couldn’t say much about future potential plans at the moment, but Nemec did open up more about what Ed brings to the table.
“…[T]here needed to be some stability amongst who these people were before we could introduce this other sort of wild and crazy component into the show,” Nemec explained about bringing Ed late into the series’ debut season, “That Radical Ed is always up to something wild and kooky, and getting the gang into trouble.” The canon of the original anime has already been changed for the live-action version, so there’s no way to guess how involved Volaju would be, but it would be a major shake up.
Cowboy Bebop has yet to be confirmed for a second season, but there are clearly plans in place! What do you think? What would you want to see from Ed and a live-action version of Volaju in the second season? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!