Demon Slayer’s second season is currently retelling the popular story of the Shonen franchise’s first film, Mugen Train, and in doing so, has revisited one of the most tragic moments of the series to date as Tanjiro jumps into a heartbreaking reunion. With the beginning of the series seeing Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko set on their path following the death of their family at the hands of the head demon, Muzan Kibutsuji, with the runaway locomotive giving the Shonen protagonist a reunion that is mired in a tragic background thanks to the demon Enmu.
The second season of the popular anime series by Ufotable began by giving fans a new adventure for the Flame Hashira Rengoku, with the talented swordsman using his abilities to take down a speedy demon terrorizing the village that held the Mugen Train. Dispatching the demon, Rengoku boards the train and meets with Tanjiro and company, but is unfortunately unable to evade the sleepy attack of Enmu, the top-tier demon that was dispatched to eliminate the members of the Demon Slayer Corps riding the locomotive. Unfortunately for Tanjiro and his friends, this isn’t a challenge that can be expelled with swordsmanship alone and leads to one of the bloodiest solutions in the history of the Shonen franchise.
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With Enmu placing each of the members of the Demon Slayer Corps in a dream that fulfills their greatest wishes, Tanjiro is tragically placed in front of the deceased members of his family, along with a human version of Nezuko who never fell beneath the fans of the top demon in their world. This situation places the Shonen protagonist in a tragic scenario where he must now choose if he should abandon his family and instead return to the real world to take down the demon and help to free his friends, also placed under the same spell.
The Mugen Train is set to continue in Demon Slayer’s anime throughout the rest of this month and into November, with December bringing us the Entertainment District Arc, which will be entirely new material for the anime series. Needless to say, the events of the Mugen Train will have some big implications for this upcoming new arc.
What do you think of the tragic events of this Mugen Train reunion? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Demon Slayer Corps.