Dragon Ball Super has yet to announce when anime fans will see the television series return, but luckily, Toei Animation is bringing back Son Goku and friends this fall. Dragon Ball Daima is an entirely original story that was created with a major assist from the franchise’s creator Akira Toriyama, who helped build this new tale before his tragic passing this year. Now, the spin-off series has released a new look at Son Goku and Shenron to get fans hyped for the anime’s release this fall.
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For those who want a refresher on just what Dragon Ball Daima will be, the original anime adaptation will take place in the time period after the death of Kid Buu but before the start of Dragon Ball Super. This means that the Z-Fighters most likely won’t be accessing transformations like Ultra Instinct, Super Saiyan Blue, and Super Saiyan God to name a few. The big challenge that Goku and company will be facing is that they have been transformed into children, with Son apparently striking out with the Kaioshins to discover why this turn of events has happened. It has yet to be revealed if this new status will throw a monkey wrench into the Z-Fighters’ respective power levels.
Dragon Ball Daima Preview
While the villains responsible for transforming the Z-Fighters into children have yet to have their identities revealed, it has been revealed that the Dragon Balls are responsible for this transformation. Of course, when Daima was first revealed, many shonen fans immediately thought of Dragon Ball GT. The outside-of-continuity series saw Goku transformed into a child thanks to a sinister iteration of the Dragon Balls while also introducing some wild transformations and characters into the lore.
Dragon Ball Daima will definitely have plenty of anime fans’ attention not just thanks to the return of the Z-Fighters to the small screen, but thanks to this being one of the final projects that Akira Toriyama had a hand in. Following the mangaka’s tragic passing, the Dragon Ball Super manga has gone on indefinite hiatus, leaving many to wonder what the future holds for the Z-Fighters in both the anime and the manga.
Want to learn more about the next animated chapter of Dragon Ball? Follow along with Team Anime on ComicBook for all the latest updates on the Z-Fighters and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Son Goku.