Dragon Ball Daima is one of the most popular anime shows of 2024. The series follows Goku and his friends after the events of the Majin Buu Saga and before Dragon Ball Super. King Gomah now reigns over the Demon Realm after the death of Dabura, the previous Demon Supreme King. However, he is afraid of the powers of those who played a part in Majin Buu’s defeat. Feeling threatened by the possibility that Goku and his friends might invade the Demon Realm, Gomah travels to Earth and uses their Dragon Balls to turn them into children.
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To make matters worse, he kidnaps Dende so Goku and the others can’t use the Dragon Balls again. Now, the heroes must set out on a new adventure in the Demon Realm and retrieve their Dragon Balls to undo King Gomah’s wish. The anime went on hiatus after releasing Episode 12, which featured Vegeta’s Super Saiyan 3 transformation. Episode 13 will be released on January 10th, 2025, which will follow the adventures of Goku and his friends as they navigate the unknown world. However, while the anime is ongoing, Executive Producer Akio Iyoku shares an interesting fact about the episode titles.
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Dragon Ball Daima Episode Titles Convey a Secret Message
On January 1st, 2025, Executive Producer Akio Iyoku talked at the “All Night Nippon – Dragon Ball 40th Anniversary Special” radio show for about 20 minutes. He shares a lot of information about various topics related to Dragon Ball, including Daima.
While the radio show was only broadcast in Japan, @peraperayume shared an English translation of some important bits they took from Radiko’s official website.
The translation says, “The red characters in the Daima episode titles have some kind of meaning. It’s something to think about, but Iyoku can’t say anything more yet.”
@Herms98 shares, “Each Daima episode title is a single Japanese word with one katakana letter in red. Executive producer Akio Iyoku hints that these have some meaning but canโt say more yet. The red letters so far: ใใฐใในใธใ ใใฌใพใใใใบ (bo gu da be ji zu bi ga zo ba de ji zu)”
The user further speculates, “I canโt find any meaning in the letters so far, and probably it will only become clear once every episode title is known. Notably, all the letters so far have dakuten (the โ that turns an H sound into a B, a K into a G, etc), which would be unlikely to happen by chance.”
The anime has only released twelve episodes so far, so it will be a few weeks before the meaning behind those titles is clear. During the radio show, Iyoku says he can’t reveal when the final episode will air or how long the anime will continue. So, speculating the meaning behind the secret message is more challenging. After Episode 12, the story has taken a drastic turn as all the Dragon Balls of the Demon Realm have been acquired. While Goku and Vegeta have two of them, Arinsu getting her hands on one of them makes things more difficult.
H/T: Radiko, @peraperayume, @Herms98