The moment that many shonen fans thought they would never see has finally arrived. Dragon Ball Daima has finally given Son Goku the power to transform into a Super Saiyan 4. The transformation first appeared in Dragon Ball GT, the outside-of-canon series that is sometimes considered the black sheep of the franchise, and has only now been made a part of the official storyline. While the form itself that arrived in the Demon Realm is definitely “SSJ4,” there are quite a few differences when it comes to how it is born and the look of the transformation that taps into the ape-side of the Saiyan race.
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Warning. If you have yet to watch the eighteenth episode of Dragon Ball Daima, “Awakening,” be forewarned that we’ll be diving into spoiler territory. To start, let’s take a look at how Goku finally achieves the level of Super Saiyan 4. After finding himself unable to defeat the Demon Lord Gomah’s newest form, Son Goku is on the ropes. Even with Super Saiyan 3 at his disposal and Majin Kuu giving him back-up, it wasn’t enough for the Z-Fighter to take the win, until Neva stepped in. The elderly Namekian of the Demon Realm holds his hand over the anime hero, bringing back Goku’s tail and transforming him into a Super Saiyan 4.

[RELATED: Dragon Ball Daima Finally Makes GT Fan Favorite Form Canon]
Super Saiyan Changes
As long time Dragon Ball fans know, Super Saiyan 4 as a transformation looked quite different in the Grand Tour than in Daima. To start, Goku could not use the form in his “mini-form” so the form would have him once again returning to his adult years. In the latest anime series, Goku remains a child as he calls upon Super Saiyan 4, making for quite the departure from GT.
On top of this, Goku and Vegeta becoming Super Saiyan 4s in Dragon Ball GT saw them both still sporting their black hair but in Daima, Goku looks far closer to a mix between 4 and Super Saiyan God. Now sporting red hair, the new take on the transformation incorporates the sound effects of Kaioken while also giving Goku a silver energy outline, perhaps making him touching on the power of the Gods. While we were never going to see Ultra Instinct in this side story, this is certainly the next best thing.
It also goes without saying that SSJ4 is stronger than the third Super Saiyan form, as Vegeta and Piccolo note as much. Unfortunately, the form alone isn’t able to completely take down Gomah, whose power is still sky rocketing thanks to the Third Evil Eye. With two episodes remaining in the series, Dragon Ball Daima has proven that it is a series where anything can happen.
The Super Saiyan 4 of the Grand Tour
How Goku achieved Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball GT was vastly different from how it happened in Daima. During the Grand Tour, Goku was able to achieve the form thanks to assistance from both the Supreme Kai and the Elder Kai as they restored his tail in the fight against the villainous Baby. Rather than waving their hands, they had to physically pull the tail back into existence in a hilarious scene. Before gaining Super Saiyan 4, Goku became a “Golden Oozaru,” a form that did not make the cut for Daima.
As of yet, we have yet to see if Vegeta will also become a Super Saiyan 4 though we have to imagine that if Neva could do this for Goku, then he could do the same for the Prince of all Saiyans.
Want to see what the future holds for Super Saiyan 4? Follow along with Team Anime on for the latest updates on all things Dragon Ball and hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime.