Dragon Ball is undeniably one of the cornerstones of shonen, and that has not changed since Toei Animation brought its latest anime to an end. It has been a couple of years since Dragon Ball Super closed, but its studio has been raking in money off the franchise since. And thanks to a new fiscal report, fans know how much Dragon Ball is pushing Toei forward.
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The report is dated for the entire 2020 fiscal year. From April 2019 to March 2020, it seems like Dragon Ball helped ranked in absurd money for Toei Animation. All in all, the franchise earned the company 19.8 billion yen, but that is down from the last fiscal year. After all, the previous report confirmed Dragon Ball earned 19.9 billion yen then.
For this last fiscal year, it seems Dragon Ball led Toei in domestic licensing, overseas film earnings, and overseas licensing. Dragon Ball ranked at the top of each category with One Piece following hot on its trail. Other Toei titles like Saint Seiya, Pretty Cure, and Digimon ranked on the list as well.
Toei fiscal year 2020 (April 2019-March 2020) full year results. Dragon Ball is still #1, but has declined a bit. It brought in 19.8 billion yen, down from last year’s 19.9 billion yen. The drop would have been much larger had overseas licensing not grown by nearly 1 billion yen. pic.twitter.com/dMoy2u0TmA
โ Ethan Law๐ณ๏ธโ๐ (@ArchedThunder) May 16, 2020
With Dragon Ball bringing in so much money, fans are left to wonder what Toei’s plans for the franchise are. It has been rumored time and again that Dragon Ball Super will launch a comeback with a sequel or continuation. Of course, Toei Animation has shut down those rumors when they go live, and the studio seems busy with projects like Digimon‘s reboot these days. But with each year that passes, the fiscal return on Dragon Ball wanes given the lack of new content.
How long do you think Dragon Ball can lead Toei in sales for much longer? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!