
Dragon Ball: Vegeto Blue Delivers Crushing Blow to Super Fu in New Clip

Dragon Ball Heroes has been keeping fans of Goku afloat since the mainline series closed its anime […]

Dragon Ball Heroes has been keeping fans of Goku afloat since the mainline series closed its anime years ago. While the manga pushes forward Dragon Ball Super, this PR anime has dipped into some wild arcs that Akira Toriyama never imagined during his heyday. One such story played out in a recent episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes as Vegito surfaced for battle, but it was against a diabolical baddie with the ability to go Super Saiyan.

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You can check out the battle below if you want to check it out for yourself. The whole thing began with Super Saiyan Blue Vegito coming together to fight off Super Fu. The baddie has been causing problems since the start of Dragon Ball Heroes, and he hasn’t quit even for a bit. Right now, Fuis working to create his own universe that supersedes any created by Zeno, so you can see why Vegito had to step in.

The fight between the pair is interesting as Vegito it tasked with fighting a non-Saiyan who has gone Super Saiyan. Fu is able to tap into that power thanks to his hand-wavy inventions, but not even the mad scientist can perfect the power up on the fly. Vegito is able to knock back Super Fu with relative ease in this battle, and the baddie is smart enough to pull back rather than fight for naught.

With this fight finished, fans are left to wonder what’s next for Super Fu. His secret power boost did not help him further his goal, and Vegito is game to fight another round. It seems like the Dragon Ball Heroes baddie needs a new strategy, and that plan will surely come to light during the show’s next arc.

What do you think of this Dragon Ball match up? Should Fu be brought into the mainline series with powers like this? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.