Dragon Ball Super’s anime came to an end in 2017, wrapping up the series when the Tournament of Power crowned its winner. Since the anime adaptation ended, the manga has created quite a few battles, moments, and events that have helped engineer some of Goku and Vegeta’s biggest battles. We here at ComicBook.com wanted to take the opportunity to break down some of the biggest aspects of the manga that have yet to be animated by either Dragon Ball Super’s anime series or the movies that followed it.
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At present, Dragon Ball Super’s manga is re-telling the story of the latest film of the shonen franchise, Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Prior to the arc featuring the debut of Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo, the manga gave us storylines featuring Goten and Trunks attempting to be crime fighters, the story of the bounty hunter known as Granolah, and an energy-absorbing wizard known as Moro. When Dragon Ball Super’s anime does return, it will potentially have years of stories to translate, as both the Granolah The Survivor and Moro Arcs covered quite a bit of territory. Unfortunately, Toei Animation hasn’t hinted at a return for Dragon Ball’s television series.
What Dragon Ball Super manga moments are you dying to so make the leap to the anime? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Z-Fighters.
Vegeta’s Ultra Ego
One of the biggest transformations that has yet to make the leap from the printed page to the anime is the Saiyan Prince’s answer to Goku’s Ultra Instinct. First demonstrating the new form during the Granolah The Survivor Arc, Vegeta was able to learn the transformation by training with the God of Destruction, Beerus. While the Prince of All Saiyans had access to the transformation during Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, we have yet to see what this form will look like in motion,
Black Frieza’s Introduction
Perhaps one of the biggest moments of the Granolah The Survivor Arc came in its final chapter, as Frieza made his surprising return. Taking down the Heeters and one-hitting both Goku and Vegeta in their current ultimate forms, Black Frieza has become the strongest mortal in the universe. Frieza didn’t have a role in Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, so it’s been a number of years since we last saw the alien despot animated.
The Gohan/Piccolo Tag Team
Before Orange Piccolo and Gohan Beast hit the scene, the Moro Arc saw the two Z-Fighters performing some major tag-team moves in their attempt to take down the energy-absorbing sorcerer. The pair were ultimately unable to take down the villain, but it was clear that the duo had been honing their fighting skills back-to-back. When this tag-team moment hits the anime adaptation, it will be quite an energetic scene and is easily a big highlight of the Moro Arc.
Goku Achieves Mastered Ultra Instinct
In a scene reminiscent of the first time that Goku achieved the Super Saiyan transformation, Goku is able to hit the level of “Mastered Ultra Instinct”. When Moro had seemingly killed Merus, the renegade angel that trained Son Goku, the Z-Fighter was able to hit a new level of his Ultra Instinct form. Ultra Instinct is that gift that keeps on giving for Goku, netting him just as many forms as Super Saiyan levels, but this moment helped unlock the door for the form that he only briefly used during the Tournament of Power.
The Z-Fighters Team Up Against Moro
Dragon Ball Super has given some of the lesser-seen Z-Fighters some opportunities to shine. In the fight against Moro, the energy-absorbing wizard unleashed a number of his followers to the Planet Earth, allowing the likes of Roshi, Krillin, Yamcha, and even Chaotzu the chance to get back into the action. Despite not being able to transform into Super Saiyans themselves, the humans were able to prove that they still come quite in handy when it comes to protecting the world.
Bardock Saves Granolah
A major element of the Granolah The Survivor Arc isn’t just the fight against the intergalactic bounty hunter in the present, but exploring the Cerealian’s past as well. Linked to the brutal history of the Saiyans, Granolah was saved by none other than Goku’s father, Bardock, who found himself struck by the situation of the Cerealians. Stating that Raditz and Goku had impacted his emotions, Bardock attempts to save Granolah and his mother, even fighting against the Heeters.
Moro Merges With The Earth
Moro was a unique villain in that he could steal energy from his opponents to the point wherein he could even use Ultra Instinct. As a final gambit, in the face of losing his fight against Son Goku, the horned antagonist merges with the Earth itself. While this final transformation sees Moro take on a form that is quite stationary. In merging with the Planet Earth, it meant that if Moro was killed, the Z-Fighters’ world would follow suit.
Goku’s Big Energy Form
In fighting against Moro, Goku unleashed one of his most bizarre forms to date, with the Z-Fighter creating a giant energy form that looked like a bigger version of himself. The form would make a brief comeback during the Granolah The Survivor Arc but has yet to make its anime debut. Having many shonen fans thinking of Sasuke Uchiha’s Susanoo technique, Goku’s strange new move deserves the anime treatment.
Gas’ Transformations
While the Granolah Arc sees Goku and Vegeta spending quite some time fighting against the Cerealian, the true villains of the arc are the Heeters, with the smallest member, Gas, being the strongest. Later in the arc, the criminal organization is able to use the world’s dragon balls to make Gas the new strongest being in the universe, following Granolah’s method. Unleashing a number of forms in fighting against Goku, Vegeta, and Granolah, Gas proves himself to be quite the formidable opponent.
Goten And Trunks’ Superhero Career
Acting as a prequel to Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, this arc gave us some of the biggest moments for the sons of Goku and Vegeta. Taking on the precursors to the Gamma siblings from Dr. Hedo, Goten and Trunks showed their stuff as the city’s newest superheroes in a fun arc that has yet to make its way to the anime adaptation.