Dragon Ball Super: How Was Black Frieza Unlocked?

Dragon Ball Super has given Frieza his most powerful form in the series to date with the newest chapter, but how exactly did the fan-favorite villain gain this huge new level of power? The Granolah the Survivor arc has finally ended its run with the newest chapter of the series, and after several major teases about Frieza and his potential role in the events with the Heeters throughout the arc, the manga finally made good on its promise to bring the villain back to the series. But it was in a way that fans certainly weren't expecting to see after the villain's extended absence.

Dragon Ball Super ended the Granolah the Survivor arc with Frieza's return to the series, and he revealed that he had been training to reach a new level of power. After instantly defeating Gas after Goku, Vegeta, and Granolah had been struggling to do so, Frieza unleashed his "Black Frieza" form and had grown to a much stronger power than Goku and Vegeta are now. With his tease that he found a Room of Spirit and Time (Hyperbolic Time Chamber as some fans will know it) in his travels to train for ten long years, it's raised all sorts of questions about what could be coming next. 

(Photo: Shueisha)

Chapter 87 of Dragon Ball Super saw Frieza instantly defeat Gas, and when asked how he was able to do so because Gas had become the strongest in the universe, Frieza explained that he was likely not counted in that since he was outside of the universe. He had been spending time training in the Room of Spirit and Time and unlocked a new power up after ten years of training. If Golden Frieza was as strong as it was with only a week or so of training, it raises all sorts of questions about how strong this new Black variant is since he's able to defeat both Goku and Vegeta with a single punch. 

Now the major question is where this Room of Spirit and Time could be. The last time we had seen one in action was when Goku was training with Merus to get a better handle on his Ultra Instinct form, and it very well could end up being the same one that Frieza had stumbled on ten days before unlocking this new form. It could be just a new room slotted somewhere deep in Frieza's territory, but it also makes one wonder why Frieza decided to train for ten years to get this new form. 

He explains that he didn't want to be beaten by the Saiyans forever, and seems to be in the middle of a new plot when coming to Cereal in the first place, so what could have cause Frieza to train as much as he did? Will Goku and Vegeta be able to reach Black Frieza's new level of power? What do you think of this new form? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!