
Dragon Ball Super Sets Up Super Hero Arc Epilogue

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 is setting up an epilogue for the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero arc!

Dragon Ball Super brought the fight against Cell Max to an end with Chapter 100 of the manga series released last year, and the preview for the next chapter of the series is setting up an epilogue to the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero arc! Dragon Ball Super is entering a new era of the manga this year as now it’s no longer going to have any material from the anime series or movies to adapt for its future chapters. With Cell Max being defeated in the previous chapter, it was also thought to be the end of the manga’s take on the movie’s events. 

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But just as how the Dragon Ball Super manga brought in the events of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero to its pages after a few chapters of a prequel setting the stage, it seems that the rough drafts for Chapter 101 of the series is teasing an epilogue to the movie that could last for as long as it needs to while it sets up the true next arc of the story. So while fans might have wanted to see it start already, this next chapter needs to provide some updates for its heroes before moving on.^tfw

What Is Coming in Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101? 

Dragon Ball Super Chapter 101 will be releasing on January 18th, and will be available to read for free with Shueisha’s digital Shonen Jump library. The rough draft pages for the chapter see Goten and Trunks chasing down an escaping Carmine following the end of the fight with Cell Max, and it seems like this epilogue will help close the loop on the way the arc started by showing more of what Goten and Trunks had been up to ahead of the heroic fights seen in the movie. 

As for the next arc of the series, news of what this could be has still yet to be announced as of the time of this writing. It almost seems like these super hero adventures will be continuing for more than this next chapter too as teased by the comments of some of those involved with the manga, but thankfully it won’t be long before we get to see how this new chapter shakes out. 

What are you hoping to see in Dragon Ball Super’s next chapter? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on X (formerly known as Twitter)!