Will Dragon Ball Super Make Heroes' Grand Priest Goku Canon?

The Dragon Ball Super series has continued forward in the manga series, but the only new Dragon [...]

The Dragon Ball Super series has continued forward in the manga series, but the only new Dragon Ball anime we've seen in the last few years is the Dragon Ball Heroes promo anime. That series of web shorts are non-canon, even though they borrow lots of elements and characters from the current Dragon Ball Super series. That being said, Dragon Ball Heroes has gained notice for giving fans major fan-service "events." As such, there's been continued discussion of whether or not elements of Dragon Ball Heroes should be brought into the official canon - and thanks to the manga's Moro Arc, there's one Heroes storyline that seems all-too necessary for the main series.

So will Dragon Ball Super do its own version of Dragon Ball Heroes 'Grand Priest Goku' story arc?

Dragon Ball Super's Moro Arc culminated with Goku finally achieving Perfected Ultra Instinct, the mastered form of the divine power he tapped into during the Tournament of Power. However, that same power also spiraled out of control just as quickly as Goku got it; Moro copied Ultra Instinct and nearly annihilated the universe in the process.

There was also the small matter of Goku only achieving Perfected Ultra Instinct because of the trauma of losing Merus, has mentor/angel-in-training. Merus's demise has already made Grand Priest call Beerus and Whis to the Angel Realm, to answer for what happened to Merus. At the end of that conversation there may be a new topic to discuss: what to do about Goku.

It's long been a fan theory that the Saiyans of Universe 7 (particularly Goku) have been headed for some kind of collision with the gods. Dragon Ball Super's entire storyline has been predicated on Goku and Vegeta's progression from mortal warriors into something greater. Now Goku has crossed a threshold, and fans are eager to see what that evolution does to the status quo of the Dragon Ball Super multiverse. The series' next story arc will see Goku trying to clean up the remnants of Moro's crew of escaped convicts, but within that storyline there's another that could play out: Grand Priest and the other gods recruiting Goku into their services.

Dragon Ball Super Sets Up Goku vs Grand Priest Merus Death Manga 63

Dragon Ball Heroes made Grand Priest the one mentored Goku in how to master Ultra Instinct - or at least achieve its lesser form, Ultra Instinct Omen. Goku "graduated" from Grand Priest's tutelage just in time to join his friends in the Universal Conflict Saga, defending the multiverse from a gang of intergalactic criminals.

So there you can see: a few minor tweaks and Grand Priest Goku could easily become a relevant part of Dragon Ball Super's story. Should it be?

Dragon Ball Super posts new Manga chapters FREE ONLINE. The anime is still on hiatus.