
Dragon Ball Super Art Imagines One Hero’s Hilarious Final Form

Dragon Ball is pushing ahead with new updates as always, and it is no secret these projects are […]

Dragon Ball is pushing ahead with new updates as always, and it is no secret these projects are riling up fans. From the anime’s big-screen plans to the manga’s ongoing arc, there is a lot to look forward to if you love the franchise. In the interim, the fandom is keeping the series alive online with little tributes, and one artist just went the extra mile by giving one hero a special form.

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The artwork comes from Instagram courtesy of user fellipart. It was there fans got a look at how the Oracle Fish might look if they were to power up, and the artwork is pretty much perfect.

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As you can see above, the Oracle Fish is enjoying their final form in all of its buff glory. The fishy hero has escaped the confines of Whis’ staff, and the angel is as shocked by the form shift as Beerus. If this power boost were canon, fans would be equally shocked, but we are pretty sure no one is more surprised by the Oracle Fish in this case.

Gone is the hero’s small slimy body and in comes his buff new bod. The fish is given a look similar to Majin Buu if you look at his facial features, but everything else is Oracle Fish. The fighter’s fingers are webbed, and his tail is elongated with fins similar to Cell. As for the rest of his physique, the Oracle Fish is buff enough to make Jiren do a double-take, so that is how you know you’ve made it.

Clearly, this fan-art is a bit absurd, but what is the fun of being in the Dragon Ball fandom if you can’t wild out? This power boost gives the anime’s most unlikely B-character the form of a lifetime, so we hope he enjoys it. And if the franchise ever makes this shift canon, well – you can bet the fandom at large will lose its mind.

What do you think of this hilarious makeover? Do you think there is more to the Oracle Fish that we don’t know? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.