Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero broke the mold for the Dragon Ball franchise as Gohan and Piccolo took the main center stage over Goku and Vegeta, but it turns out that Dragon Ball found another avenue to give fans the real dream team up moment between Gohan and Piccolo that fans didn’t get to see in the movie! Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero was the first new entry in the Dragon Ball anime franchise in four long years, and it delivered a much different kind of experience than before as it was also the first full 3D CG animated project as well.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero have Gohan and Piccolo the spotlight as they took on some powerful new Androids without Goku and Vegeta’s help, and as a result, fans got to see them unlock some godlike new transformations. But one of the moments the movie was missing was a scene where both Gohan and Piccolo got to combine all of their new abilities into a powerful team up attacks. But Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has gone the extra mile and delivered this cool dream team up moment with one of its newest cutscenes. Check it out below as spotted by @DbsHype on Twitter (but beware of spoilers):
Dragon Ball’s Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo Team Up
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2‘s newest update adds Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo to the game alongside a new story mission that adapts some of the materials from Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. But rather than taking direct inspiration from the movie for its story, it instead uses it to tell its own original story and thus leads to this dream team up moment where Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo use their Special Beam Cannons at the same time for a single attack.
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero will have the chance to retell the events of this fight with a special adaptation now in the works with the Dragon Ball Super manga. The newest arc of the Dragon Ball Super manga is now working its way through the events of the movie, and it has been making a few adjustments to how the movie played out. So anything is possible before the arc runs its course!
How do you feel about this team up between Gohan Beast and Orange Piccolo? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!