Fairy Tail, Edens Zero Creator Shares His Unique Philosophy for Drawing Battles

Fairy Tail and Edens Zero creator Hiro Mashima shared his unique philosophy for illustrating [...]

Fairy Tail and Edens Zero creator Hiro Mashima shared his unique philosophy for illustrating battles in his franchises. Mashima remains one of the favorite creators among fans as releases such as Rave Master and the aforementioned Fairy Tail showed off a unique and quirky style when it came to the way he depicts action in his manga. The same goes for his most current work, Edens Zero, which is heading toward its very own anime debut later this Spring. In an interview with the Animate Times in Japan about the upcoming debut, Mashima shared that he's just really trying to make cool scenes above all else.

When asked about what comes to his mind when putting together action scenes in his series (as translated and reported by @11thDoctr on Twitter), Mashima relayed that, "in his mind battle scenes are just for the kids to think 'That's cool!'" and that he's not trying to convey anything in particular when illustrating them, but rather reacting to whether or not one of the scenes looks cool.

Adding that depending on where the story goes before and after each fight, the meaning of them changes from time to time. This blends into his overall philosophy as a creator as he expresses during the interview that he wants to draw things readers want to see as it makes him happy. Seeing as how fans have reacted to his works to this point, it's clear that his manner of work is indeed striking a chord with fans of his various franchises.

Edens Zero Anime Shiki Granbell
(Photo: J.C. Staff)

Mashima's action scenes might not be the central draw of his various works anyway as fans of his various franchises are usually more interested in the worlds and tons of characters introduced throughout. The same goes for Edens Zero, which will be the next of Mashima's franchises to get introduced to a whole new audience when its anime makes its debut on April 10th in Japan.

Directed by Shinji Ishihara, who served as a director for the Fairy Tail anime as well, Edens Zero's anime outing will be produced by J.C. Staff. The main trio has been cast with Takuma Terashima as the voice behind Shiki Granbell, Mikako Komatsu as Rebecca Bluegarden, and a returning Rie Kugimiya from Fairy Tail to provide the voice for a very different kind of Happy than we saw in that series.

What do you think of the way Hiro Mashima approaches action? Are you looking forward to Edens Zero's upcoming anime debut? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!