This Galar Weezing Costume Is Perfect for Any Halloween Party

Halloween is almost upon us, and people are feeling the mad rush to finish their costumes. [...]

Halloween is almost upon us, and people are feeling the mad rush to finish their costumes. Tomorrow night will see millions of people dress up for the season, and there are plenty of geek-friendly things to base your look upon. From superheroes to zombies, there's countless things to get nerdy with, but one Pokemon fan has outdone them all with their handmade costume.

After all, it turns out the fan made their very own costume based on Weezing. To be specific, user AbraxasNowhere hit up Reddit with his Galar Weezing outfit that does the character all sorts of justice.

Taking to social media, the super-fan shared their custom Weezing suit with the world. As you can see below, piece was constructed at home and put together DIY style. From its smokestack hat to its smoggy mustache, this Weezing looks like it came straight from Pokemon which is rather impressive since this pocket monster has yet to make his full debut.

My Galar Weezing cosplay! from r/pokemon

For those curious, this version of Weezing was announced earlier in the year. The Pokemon will be included in the series' eighth generation. This Weezing is a regional variant exclusive to Galar, and fans went wild over the Pokemon's look.

And who can blame them? Originally, Weezing was part of the first Generation from Pokemon Red and Blue. The poison-type never got any sort of upgrade, but Galar changed it all. His variant is considered a fairy-poison type, and the Galarian Weezing cleans the air rather than pollute it. So if this fan's costume ever rubbed someone the wrong way, AbraxasNowhere could say he's dressed as an environmental conservationist!

Clearly, this fan chose well with their Halloween costume this year, and their craftsmanship is worthy of every Pokemon fans' praise. The only thing that could make the look better is them meeting up with other Pokemon cosplayers, so we're keeping our fingers crossed. And if you are not sold on this Weezing just yet, you will be soon enough. Pokemon Sword and Shield will hit shelves on November 15 where fans will be able to catch Galarian variants and more.

So, what do you make of this impressive Pokemon costume?Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!