
Ichi the Witch Explains How This New Character Broke One Series Rule

This new character in Ichi the Witch broke every rule set in the magical world.

Ichi the Witch Manga
Shonen Jump

Ichi the Witch, the newest headliner Weekly Shonen Jump hit, has enamored fans with stunning art and a captivating storyline. However, with just 24 chapters released so far, the manga is still fairly new and steadily climbing up the ranks in terms of popularity. After the introduction of the World Hater Majik, the story of Ichi the Witch is finally taking shape as we meet new characters. Ichi is finally getting used to his life as a witch and the only male one at that. The Mantinel Witches Association has also acknowledged him as one of their own. However, it won’t be long before tragedy strikes again. According to the Oracle Witch, Jikishirone, Ichi is destined to acquire the World Hater Majik, but he will also die because of it.

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Unbothered by the revelation of his impending death, Ichi simply wants to experience the thrill of the hunt. The World Hater Majik is the strongest foe he has ever faced, and it’s clear he will keep challenging the villain until one of them loses for good. Meanwhile, the latest arc brings Ichi, Desscaras, and Kumugi to the joyous land of Bakugami. According to Jikishirone’s prophecy, Ichi is expected to meet a companion there who will be helping in the fight against the World Hater Majik. However, the one expected to be his companion has unique powers which seemed to contradict what made Ichi special as the only male witch in the series.

Ichi the Witch Gokuraku
Shonen Jump

Gokuraku the Brutalizer Is Powerful but Heโ€™s Not a Witch

Most of the world’s population are ordinary humans while only a small fraction of them acquired Majiks and became witches. Since only women have shown affinity to magic in the past, Ichi is a rare case as the only male witch. Becoming a witch was nothing short of a miracle that almost never happened. However, just because men can’t acquire Majiks, doesn’t mean they are completely cut off from magic. There are several magical items that can be used effectively if used wisely.

Most people crave power for different reasons, and Gokuraku is no different. While the story has yet to explain the reason behind his desperation, his power is nothing to scoff at. He genuinely wants to become a witch, even though it’s almost impossible. Meeting Ichi gives him hope that there must be a way to achieve his goal. In Chapter 24, the duo hangs out across Bakugami when Ichi sees Gokuraku’s strange back covered with crystals. He explains he embedded a bunch of magical items in his body so he can touch Majiks as a man.

Gokuraku calls himself an anti-Majik augmented human, and he may be the only crazy person to pull off something like this. This kind of power is unheard of, and while he can defeat even the powerful Majiks, he still can’t acquire any. During the conversation, he also subtly reveals that he did all this because there is someone he really wants to punch. While Gokuraku changes the subject almost instantly, it does open the possibility of a backstory where he likely had an unfortunate encounter with a Majik. Ichi also realizes that the man unknowingly said something important. After a while, Ichi again tries to question Gokuraku about the one he wants to punch, but the latter falls asleep, leaving this crucial question unanswered.

Ichi the Witch Manga
Shonen Jump

Ichi the Witch Implies Gokuraku Is the Next Companion

While the manga hasn’t explicitly confirmed that Gokuraku is the companion mentioned in the prophecy, all hints point toward him. In Ichi the Witch Chapter 22, as soon as Jikishirone mentions “companion,” the scene changes to Gokuraku as he tortures a Majik. Additionally, the next chapter unveils that the prophecy instructs Ichi’s team to hunt a human hater Majik. The group reaches the South Bakugami mines, where the only human hater Majik dwells. They also meet Gokuraku in the same place.

At first, Gokuraku is introduced as a dangerous being who is hungry for power. His debut panel in Chapter 22 is gruesome as he beats up a Majik asking for a way to acquire it. In Chapter 23, the Majik keeps crying and asking Gokuraku to stop, saying men can’t acquire Majiks. After seeing him in action, Kumugi instantly recognizes that the blue-haired man is on the association’s list of the most dangerous people.

Gokuraku always beats Majiks to a pulp and leaves them without acquiring them in Ichi the Witch. The association thus aptly calls him Gokuraku the Brutalizer. Seeing the man’s unnecessary violence, Ichi jumps in to save the Majik and reveals his magical powers. Gokuraku is immediately impressed seeing a man use magic and takes him away in hopes of learning how to become a witch himself.