JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure’s anime adaptation is in limbo at the moment, with Jolyne’s story in the Stone Ocean remaining the last time that we saw the Joestars in action on the small screen. Luckily, the franchise from creator Hirohiko Araki is finding new avenues to conquer with its upcoming live-action feature-length film, Rohan At The Louvre. With the film hitting theaters in Japan earlier this month, theater-goers will have the opportunity to pick up new art from the Joestars’ creators when they buy a ticket.
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Rohan At The Louvre first premiered as a manga short story in 2011, seeing Hirohiko Araki’s favorite manga artist taking a trip to France in his never-ending search for new inspirations. Unlike JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, which predominantly pits the Joestars against nefarious Stand Users. In Kishibe Rohan’s solo stories, he will typically find himself facing off against strange supernatural threats, which is the case with the live-action film. Unfortunately, North American fans have yet to be informed as to when Rohan At The Louvre will hit the West, though the live-action television series for Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan made the leap overseas so there is certainly a chance.
Thus Spoke Hirohiko Araki
The original art cards will be distributed to theater-goers in Japan from June 2nd to the 9th. Originally debuted by the actor portraying Kishibe Rohan, Issey Takahashi, Hirohiko Araki once again proves that the manga artist might be his favorite supporting character in the JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure franchise. Considering Rohan’s recent return to The JOJOLands, this continues to be the case.
Recently, Araki has introduced two new Joestars leading the charge in his popular anime franchise in Jodio and Dragona. With the two protagonists of The JOJOLands tasked with stealing a priceless diamond in an effort to make sure their mother is financially secure, it is revealed that Rohan is the owner of said diamond, creating quite the conflict as a result. While Rohan’s side story might not be releasing new chapters at present, the main series still has a big role for the mangaka to fill.
Do you think we’ll get this live-action film hit the West? Which side characters are deserving of their own series from the Joestar world? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of all things JoJo.