JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has made Stands a household name among anime fans, introducing beings that are linked to their users that have a wide variety of powers that are unlike anything we’ve ever seen. Much like the characters that have appeared throughout the franchise created by Hirohiko Araki, Stands can be just as weird if not far weirder than their Users. We wanted to break down some of the weirdest Stands of the franchise, sticking to the anime seasons rather than the manga, so as not to spoil anyone on the insanity that is to come with the likes of Stone Ocean and Steelball Run!
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What is your favorite strange Stand of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime and the world of the Joestars!
Cheap Trick
Cheap Trick is akin to something like The Ring or It Follows, wherein the being latches itself onto its user’s back and can join with a person regardless of whether or not they already have a Stand. With Kishibe Rohan discovering Cheap Trick in the fourth season of the anime, Diamond Is Unbreakable, the mangaka was forced to make sure that no one was to spot the ghoulish gremlin clinging to him. When someone sees Cheap Trick, it kills the user and switches to whoever saw it, which is how Rohan found himself in the predicament to begin with!
What has to be the weirdest combo of Stand to user, Strength is a psychically linked yacht that is controlled via the thoughts of the orangutan sea captain known as Forever. Needless to say, this is far and away one of the strangest Stands in the series and marks for a shock for the heroes of the third season in Stardust Crusaders!
King Crimson
(Photo: David Production)
“How does King Crimson work?” is one of the biggest questions asked in the franchise of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, with Diavolo’s Stand being able to apparently “replace time” and make his victims seem as if they’ve lost seconds of their lives at any given moment. While the Stand is ultimately defeated by Giorno’s Golden Wind Requiem, we too this very day still don’t entirely know how the abilities of this bizarre looking Stand work when all is said and done!
Super Fly
Appearing in the fourth season, Diamond Is Unbreakable, Super Fly is a Stand that is legitimately a electric tower that traps its user within. Though this Stand will always exist, even should the user die, it will always be seeking to ensnare a new user, as it had tried to do to Josuke during his adventures. Though the original user Toyohiro tried his best to escape, it wasn’t meant to be as he was defeated by Josuke and Crazy Diamond in the process.
Notorious BIG
Notorious BIG might seem to be a “regular Stand” on the surface when it comes to eating energy and absorbing flesh of its opponents, but it is how the Stand is activated that you see the insanity of BIG. Activated once its user dies, it can apparently only be used once as it was pointed at Giorno and his friends following the death of one of Diavolo’s underlings.
Sex Pistols
Guido Mistah is easily one of the most memorable heroes in the recent anime season of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and while his ability to control the bullets that are fired out of his gun might not seem as strange on the surface, the fact that they’re completely independent and bicker amongst themselves is unlike any other Stand we’ve seen so far. It’s in their personalities that Sex Pistols is one of the weirder Stands of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and we wouldn’t mind seeing them return in the future of the franchise considering Mistah was able to survive season five!