Throughout the years, the work of the horror creator, Junji Ito, has received a number of anime adaptations, whether it be through the anthology series created by Studio Deen or through original movies such as Gyo, and one fan has taken the opportunity to animate one of the mangaka’s most famous works in The Enigma At Amigara Fault. The story is definitely one of the most disturbing but has surprisingly been yet to be adapted with an anime of its own, though with Ito continuing to grow in popularity, this is definitely a case of “never say never”.
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The Enigma At Amigara Fault, for those who have yet to experience the bone-chilling story, revolves around a mountainside that is discovered which has human-sized holes in the side of it. With people drawn to the holes that were “made for them”, the short story focuses on characters that are attempting to come to grips with the idea that their fate of entering into their individual holes is inevitable. With the finale of the story easily being the most disturbing part of the tale, this animator has done an excellent job of capturing the sheer terror of discovering what victims look like after traveling through the claustrophobic environments.
Animator Jed Segovia shared this impressive re-telling of one of Junji Ito’s most famous short stories which have yet to be brought into the world of anime but have given netizens one of the most famous memes created by the horror mangaka across his long career.
2021 will be a big year for Junji Ito, not just with the release of his manga compilations thanks to Viz Media, but also because of the release of Adult Swim’s anime adaptation of Uzumaki, easily one of his most popular stories. In it, a town grapples with a curse that involves an obsession with spirals that presents itself in some truly disturbing ways. Though a release date for Uzumaki has yet to be revealed, fans have been waiting with anticipation for the anime adaptation that is looking to be the most accurate taken on Junji Ito’s work to date.
What do you think of this amazing animated sequence revisiting the horror of Amigara Fault? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the inexplicable horror that has been created by Junji Ito.