Marvel's Russo Brothers Share Major Update on Battle of the Planets Movie

Joe and Anthony Russo, directors behind Marvel films such as Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, have shared a major update on their now in the works Battle of the Planets project! First announced to be in the works back in 2019, the Russo Brothers revealed they were working on a new live-action adaptation for Tatsunoko Productions' Science Ninja Team Gatchaman, which was adapted in the United States under the title of Battle of the Planets. There have been few updates about the project ever since its initial announcement, but revealed recently that they are putting a lot of "creative energy" into the new endeavor. 

Speaking to Collider during the world premiere for Citadel, Anthony Russo stated that the duo was "hard at work at it." Elaborating further on the fact that they have yet to reach a new threshold for the Battle of the Planets project just yet, they are fleshing out the scale of it. "We're not at a new threshold moment with it yet, but it's something that we've been putting a lot of creative energy into," Anthony continued. In fact, the duo is trying to flesh it out enough to support a universe. 

(Photo: Tatsunoko Productions)

Battle of the Planets: Russos Give Project Update

"We're building out the scale of it," Joe Russo began. "We really want to bring a level of detail to it that could support a universe, and that's what we're in the middle of. You know, sometimes it takes years to develop. I mean, Citadel took five years to get to the screen. So when you're building things from the ground up, brick by brick, it takes a while." When asked whether or not Battle of the Planets could lead to a new series of movie, the Russos don't know quite yet nor do they have a studio, "It could be both... We don't have a studio in mind, no."

Elaborating on this element in particular, the Russos then explained that the idea of expanding Battle of the Planets into a universe is what draws them most to the project, "Our brains are most compelled by interconnected storytelling using different media to tell those stories, and that's really what AGBO– it's sort of the ethos of what AGBO was built on. You know, how can we tell stories at scale using different forms of media? So everything that's in development there gets explored through that lens, especially something of the scale of Battle of the Planets."

What would you want to see from a new Battle of the Planets? Would you prefer to see a movie or a series? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!

via Collider