Mobile Suit: Gundam might be best known for its anime series, with a number of different television shows and movies taking us into various realities that all held the giant mechs in common, and it seems that the franchise will be holding a “Gunpla Day” to celebrate the Gundam plastic models. Though this event will be taking place exclusively in Japan in the legendary Gundam Cafe, the event just goes to show how popular the plastic models have become for fans of the anime franchise and fans looking to build plastic models of the well-known mechs to pass the time.
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The “Gundam Model Day” will take place on February 28th, later this month, allowing patrons of the Cafe to create unique models of their own with the “Gundam Day Special Set” which will retail for around $20 USD. Gundam Plastic Models have seen a big resurgence as of late, with many purchasing kits to help while away the hours during the coronavirus pandemic. The plastic models have sold over 500 million units since first debuting alongside the original anime series that launched in the late 1970s and there are sure to be far more produced in the future based on the success of them and the anime franchise.
COVID-19 hit Mobile Suit: Gundam hard with the long-awaited feature-length film of Hathaway’s Flash having to be delayed as a result from its original release date of last year. The new film will take us back to the universe that started it all, following the spiritual successor to both Amuro and Char as we attempt to decipher whether Hathaway himself is a hero or a villain. On top of this delay, we also saw the delay of the G Gundam Satellite event that would have been a part of the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, though we have yet to learn if this will still take place.
Perhaps the biggest event in Mobile Suit Gundam last year was definitely the first steps of the “Walking Gundam”, a life-sized Gundam that has the ability to walk under its own weight and has since become a big tourist attraction for fans of the series and regular citizens alike.
Do you think we’ll ever see a “Gunpla Day” arrive in North America? What is your favorite Gundam plastic model? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of these legendary mobile suits.