Warning! Massive spoilers for My Hero Academia Chapter 363 to follow! My Hero Academia really has a major problem is needs to solve for Katsuki Bakugo following his fight with Tomura Shigaraki. The final war between the heroes and villains is really heating up, and while each of the villains seems to be gearing up for a comeback, the heroes have taken a major loss. Following Bakugo’s final push against the villain, he was struck through the heart by Shigaraki and thus was left for dead as the previous chapter came to an end. But now the series has dug that hole further.
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The previous chapter of the series left Bakugo for dead as his heart was punctured by one of Shigaraki’s attacks, and unfortunately the newest chapter of the series has seemingly snuffed out all hopes of bringing him back to life. Now Kohei Horikoshi’s original manga has found itself in quite the pickle. If this is indeed how Bakugo exits the series overall, then it’s certainly going to be a death that resonates with the finale of the series. But if Bakugo is somehow not going to die, then the series really needs to figure out how to revive him without pulling something out of nowhere.ย

Chapter 363 of My Hero Academia opens with Bakugo’s lifeless body as seen in the previous cliffhanger, and Best Jeanist is over him confirming that he has no pulse as his heart has been “ravaged.” It’s here Shigaraki celebrates that Bakugo is truly dead, but it’s something that’s still quite difficult to wrap fans’ heads around. Best Jeanist is seen doing something for Bakugo, so it’s raised questions over whether or not he could control the heart’s fibers too, but that’s something that really should have been highlighted before.ย
There’s a chance that Jeanist could bring Bakugo back to life in the same vein of when he was pretending to be killed off by Hawks only to return later, and there are other characters like Eri who fans theorize can rewind time. Not only that, there’s the mysterious connection to the second One For All’s user’s power that could somehow do it, but now the problem is actually pulling it off in a satisfying way. If this is indeed Bakugo’s death, then it’s certainly been given the proper weight (especially when Izuku Midoriya reacts to it).ย
But if it’s not his death, then My Hero Academia really needs to figure out a way to bring Bakugo back that won’t rewrite the rules of the series overall. It’s so close to the end, so it’s hard to guess where this will go. What do you think of Bakugo’s death? Is there a way to bring the hero back to life? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!