The World Heroes Mission is arriving in Japan this week, acting as the third movie in the My Hero Academia anime franchise, and in a recent blurb, the creator of the popular series shared the amount of involvement that he had with the creation of this latest adventure. Focusing on the “Three Musketeers” of Midoriya, Bakugo, and Shoto Todoroki battling against a new threat in the form of the cult of Humanize, a group of villains seeking to eradicate the world of Quirks, the movie will see the young crime fighters teaming up with both young and old heroes.
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Horikoshi first started My Hero Academia in 2014, becoming a juggernaut within the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump and quickly becoming one of the biggest series in the printed publication. With the story receiving an anime adaptation beginning in 2016, we’re already on the fifth season of the television show and the upcoming film will mark the third entry in the movie series. In the past, Horikoshi has confirmed that we will potentially see ten movies released that follow Midoriya and his friends, though with Kohei noting that the manga is currently in its “end game”, fans are left wondering just how much more story the world of UA Academy has to go.
Twitter User Deku’s Notebook shared the recent blurb from My Hero Academia’s creator with Kohei Horikoshi noting that he didn’t have as much involvement in the creation of the third movie, even going so far as to be stunned that the franchise has seen so many movies so far:
It’s the third movie. Isn’t it amazing? All this time, I keep on asking “why though?”, but they (still) make something for me. I’m so thankful.
— Deku’s Notebook (@redandblonde420) August 3, 2021
The two My Hero Academia movies released so far, Heroes Rising and Two Heroes respectively, took place at odd times during the timeline of UA Academy, and while the time frame of World Heroes Mission is still up in the air, a recent episode showed that the cult of Humanize and its mysterious leader are currently plotting in the background.
What do you think of Kohei Horikoshi’s involvement in the upcoming movie? What has been your favorite My Hero Academia movie to date? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy.