
My Hero Academia Animator Highlights Bakugo x Deku With New Art


My Hero Academia is moving through its homestretch of season six, and all eyes are on Izuku Midoriya as such. After all, the boy has been working on his own for too long in the wake of All For One’s escape. This week, we watched as Class 1-A reunited with Deku to his dismay, and Bakugo Katsuki was the one leading the charge. And to hype the big teaser, one animator on My Hero Academia shared new artwork highlighting Deku and Dynamight.

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As you can see below, the art comes courtesy of Hirota Kohei. The artist, who has worked on a number of top-tier anime, posted the new art on Twitter for fans to see. It is there we can see a different version of events retelling what went down when Bakugo found Izuku in the city. And of course, it has fans of the pair buzzing something fierce.^tfw

After all, you can see Bakugo coming from above as a light with his hand outstretched to Izuku. Deku is shown in the shadows towards the bottom reaching for his friend, so there is no denying how important the bond between the two is here. Just as the vestiges of One For All predicted, the thing that can save Izuku now is his friends, and Bakugo is the one who had to reach out for Izuku.

“I drew a few cuts of the scene where Bakugo comes to the rescue. When I read it in the original, I couldn’t imagine that I would make this into an anime. I’m really happy… Thank you very much to all the people involved, as well as Yoshida-san who entrusted me with this cut,” Hirota shared with fans after posting this My Hero Academia tribute.

Clearly, Hirota’s work in the anime itself was gorgeous, and fans hope to see more work from the animator when My Hero Academia returns next week. After all, the anime is about to go live with one of its biggest episodes yet. Class 1-A is determined to bring back Izuku, but the hero is unwilling to yield. This means a serious fight is about to break out between Deku and his classmates. And if you have read the manga, you know the no-holds match will be a feast for the eyes.

How do you think My Hero Academia has handled these two in season six so far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.