My Hero Academia has reached a pivotal and intense phase of the war between the heroes and villains, and the newest chapter of the series has pushed the Rabbit Hero: Mirko to a much more severe condition than she ever has been before! Mirko played a major role in the Paranormal Liberation Front War as she served as one of the main spears that had attacked Tomura Shigaraki before he emerged from his experiments. She ended up with several severe injuries as a result of that fight, yet she jumped right into the next battle along all of the other battered heroes.
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Mirko has been playing just as big of a role in this final war too as she is one of the main pro heroes working alongside Best Jeanist and the others to try and buy Izuku Midoriya enough time to get to the fight with Tomura Shigaraki. But unfortunately after Katsuki Bakugo took a major hit and things started going South, she has had to push herself harder than ever before. This has led to even more injuries as she is now heading into the newest chapter willing to sacrifice it all to take down the major villain.ย

Chapter 365 of My Hero Academia picks up right as Best Jeanist and Edgeshot are pooling their abilities together in the chance of somehow bringing Bakugo back to life, but Shigaraki is still just as fierce as he has been. This has left Mirko to be the main one standing her ground against the villain, and while her attacks might be connecting for now, each hit comes at the cost of her own body as Shigaraki’s mass of hands and teeth tear away at her. She thus loses her remaining limbs in the assault, and Best Jeanist has to stop the blood flow with his fibers.ย
Despite losing even more of her limbs, the last thing Mirko wants to do is relent as she remembers how much Bakugo had pushed her to continue the fight as well. So while the pro hero is getting even further damaged through this final battle, she’s not going to stop until she’s dead completely. As long as she’s alive she will fight, but hopefully that ultimate fate is nowhere near her future as the final fight gets even more intense as it all continues.ย
How do you feel about Mirko’s current condition in the final war so far? What do you think her chances are of making it to the end of the series alive? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!