The final fight of My Hero Academia is underway in the pages of the Shonen series’ manga, with the heroes of UA Academy joining forces once again in a last-ditch effort to stop the nefarious plans of All For One, Shigaraki, and their scores of villains. While Deku has never directly fought against All For One himself, things might be changing as a new cover for Shonen Jump sees the major hero and villains squaring off for the first time.
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Despite being the biggest villain of the series, there is a lot that we don’t know about All For One, including his real name and how he started his path of becoming an antagonist. Being responsible for the “retirement” of All Might, the mentor to Shigaraki has been watching his followers make giant strides in creating a world where power is recognized above all else. Luckily for both the heroes of Class 1-A and the professional crime fighters, a plan has been put into motion to halt the villains’ activities and while there have been some dynamic and brutal battles, things appear to be inching in the favor of Deku and his friends.
The upcoming cover for Weekly Shonen Jump hints at a battle between Deku and All For One, with the antagonist looking decidedly different from what we’ve come to know especially as he appears sans-helmet, with a head full of hair, while also appearing to look closer to what we’ve seen in flashbacks from the Shonen franchise:
Without going too deeply into spoiler territory, Deku has yet to face off against All For One directly, with the current fight of the final arc seeing the likes of Endeavor and Hawks taking on the man responsible for taking down the former Symbol of Peace. With the last storyline seemingly setting the stage for a rematch between Izuku and Shigaraki, it will be interesting to see if the main hero of the series will have the opportunity to throw a “Smash” directly at the villain who got the ball rolling on so many problems for the heroes of UA Academy.
Do you think we’ll see Deku and All For One fight before the end of My Hero Academia? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy.