My Hero Academia‘s “Paranormal Liberation War” arc has been the most pivotal event of the series so far and has changed the entire status quo for both the heroes and villains involved. The pro heroes have seen a level of villain threat they never imagined emerge into the world, as All For One’s long-gestating plans have finally come to fruition. Tomura Shigaraki has been transformed into the most powerful villain ever; even the combined efforts of the top pro heroes and Class 1-A’s best fighters can barely hold Shigaraki – and now it looks like we’re coming down to the final stand.
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The pro heroes made a valiant effort to stop Shigaraki’s Paranormal Liberation Front army before it ever got off the ground. However, fate wouldn’t allow that easy of a victory, and Shigaraki managed to hatch from his power enhancement tank. The new array of powers that Shigaraki emerged with was insurmountable: a freakishly boosted disintegration power; the original All For One power and all its stolen quirks; a body enhanced with All Might’s natural power and durability; and even Overhaul’s Deleter Round bullets. That’s what Shigaraki is packing on his own: he still has an entire villain army and Hulk-like monster (Gigantomachia) backing him up.
It’s a major credit to the heroes that they’ve largely countered the villains at every turn (at great cost). Class 1-A stepped up big to get a sedative injected into Gigantomachia, while a frontline attack force including Endeavor, Deku, Bakugo, and Aizawa has managed to take away Shigaraki’s quirk powers and wear down his enhanced stamina. Shigaraki has admitted (via thought bubble) that he’s coming down to the last of his power – however, his will and conviction are only getting more powerful.
My Hero Academia has followed in Star Wars footsteps (yet again) by actually adding some great character development to these epic superpowered duels we’re seeing. In Shigaraki’s case, the young villain leader has now fully broken ranks All For One, deciding not to be a puppet of the villain overlord any longer. Shigagraki is actually starting to sound more and more like Hero Killer Stain, slamming pro heroes like Endeavor for hurting his own family so terribly, in order to help perfect strangers. That point of view has gotten Shigaraki so fired up that he’s pushing past his limits and trying to slaughter the heroes standing against him.

The end of My Hero Academia manga chapter 282, sees Shigaraki making a proclamation that seems to indicate the final battle is about to go down: “Delay the inevitable all you like. Destruction is all that awaits you.”
My Hero Academia is in production on season 5 of the anime. Online chapters of the manga can be found HERE.