My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is easily the biggest spin-off story to the main story of Midoriya and his fellow classmates at UA Academy, and while an anime adaptation has yet to be confirmed, fans are getting hyped for the current story line that will feature a look into the teenage years of Mirko. The high flying rabbit hero has made an impact on fans of Kohei Horikoshi’s epic franchise, with her introduction in the fourth season of the anime and her participation in the Paranormal Liberation War that is currently taking place in manga of My Hero Academia!
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Warning! If you have yet to catch up on the latest chapter of My Hero Academia: Vigilantes, you might want to steer clear as we’ll be diving into some slight spoilers for the spin-off series!
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes mostly focuses on the adventures of Crawler and heroes operating outside of the normal society approved crime fighters that largely spawned from UA Academy, but the spin-off series also takes the opportunity to dive into the past of many of the heroes we’ve come to know in the main series. With a previous story line focusing on the likes fo Eraserhead, Midnight, and Present Mic, it seems that the manga will once again shift to the past to show us the wild adventures of both Mirko, Fat Gum, and the villain known as Rappa, one of the hard hitting Eight Bullets that were a part of Overhaul’s Yakuza.
In this new story, an underground fighting ring is established within the past of My Hero Academia, showing off a younger Rappa’s moves while also hinting at a nefarious force behind the battles in the “Underground Masquerade”. As chapter 87 wraps, we see a much younger Mirko in her teenage years, clearly keeping an eye on the battles and feeling sad that she wasn’t invited to them herself. Now whether or not the rabbit hero is looking to put an end to the underground fighting ring or simply take part in it is a question for another day.
Mirko easily earned her place in the Top 10 rankings for the heroes of the world of My Hero Academia, but it will be interesting to see how her younger days defer from the hero we know today. Clearly, it seems as if Mirko might not have the same level of restraint that she does currently!
What do you think might be revealed about Mirko’s younger days? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of UA Academy!