Naruto’s anime has left the Kara Organization behind, for now, exploring original stories that never took place in the pages of the Shonen’s manga. The story released in Weekly Shonen Jump however is neck deep in the lore of the Otsutsuki, the celestial ninjas that helped in forming the Kara Organization, and it seems as though a terrifying new member has been introduced who might be the most powerful ninja ever introduced. Aside from his power, the new Otsutsuki member has a heavy role in helping to create the ninja world.
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Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of Boruto: Naruto Next Generations manga, Chapter 75, you might want to steer clear as we’ll be diving into spoiler territory.
While picking Amado’s brain when it comes to what he knows about the alien ninja race, while also revealing how he came to ally himself with Jigen prior to the former head of Kara’s demise, the former head of research and development for the nefarious group spills the beans on what might be the most powerful being in the Naruto universe:
“Their abilities were brought about by a God. Someone who actually evolved into a god-like being, Otsutsuki Shibai. Don’t worry, he is no longer with us. All that exists are his remains. Do you remember what I told you about how the Chakra fruit that forms from absorbing all life on a planet is a mass of colossal energy and genetic information? And that the Otsutsuki are a species that evolves through devouring those fruits? By repeatedly undergoing karmic resurrection, Shibai cheated death, devoured many fruit over several millennia and eventually, the cumulative evolution led to godhood.”
Amado then explains just how powerful Shibai truly was by breaking down some of the feats he could presumably perform:
“Shibai’s various abilities were quite incredible. It’s said without needing to weave signs as with ninjutsu. He generated storms with a wave of his hand and called forth thunderbolts with just an angry roar.”
The scientist then explains that he was able to transplant abilities created from Shibai to members of the Kara Organization, and while Shibai hasn’t made an appearance in either of the three series focused on the ninjas of Konoha, this latest chapter certainly seems to be strongly hinting at his return.
Do you think the next big villain for Naruto has been introduced? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Hidden Leaf Village.