The main antagonists of the Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden series was the group of rogue ninja known as the Akatsuki, wherein a new collective of villains has taken the reins in the Kara Organization, but we believe that the original band of antagonists still remain the best of the two to this day! Being ultimately revealed to be formed by the nefarious creator of the Uchiha Clan in Madara, the Akatsuki’s goal was to collect all the tailed beasts and change the world to their liking, with each of its members being uniquely different from one another!
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Ultimately, the Akatsuki and the Kara Organization did share something in common where they are both assisting the celestial ninja known as the Otsutsuki, though the latter knows fully well that they are and the former was left in the dark. Despite this, it would certainly be interesting to see which of these groups would come out on top if they were all to take place in a battle royale!
Which Naruto group of villains do you like best? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the Hidden Leaf Village!
The Personal Touch
The Akatsuki had a far more personal connection with Naruto, Sasuke, and the ninja of Konoha thanks in part to members like Itachi Uchiha, Madara, Orochimaru, and several of the other big time villains. With each of the characters being far different from one another, their individual connections to certain ninja from the Hidden Leaf, and sometimes other villages, definitely made some of the battles between the ninja world and the Akatsuki that much more harrowing based on the personal stakes that were established! Kara just doesn’t have that same spark going for it, even with Kashin being a clone of Jiraiya.
Kara Feels Like A Knock Off
Honestly, the Kara Organization just feels like a knock off of the Akatsuki at this point, holding similar motivations considering their ties to the Otsutsuki. Presenting the idea of another group of rogue ninja attacking the Hidden Leaf Village, rather than a unique new threat for Boruto and the new generation to tangle with seems a tad too familiar for our tastes and we wish the threat was a bit more unique to make this new chapter that much more of a stand out from Naruto’s original adventures.
While the members of the Kara Organization do have their own unique personalities, the quirks and foibles of the Akatsuki really made them all stand apart from one another, as well as have them hold fast in the minds of fans of the Naruto franchise following their eventual defeat. Even though a number of the Akatsuki were killed before the end of Shippuden, they each had managed to leave an impression on the world of Naruto in unique ways. Itachi for example was nothing like Pain who was nothing like Sasori who was nothing like Deidara and so on and so forth. Kara members simply aren’t as striking.
The Akatsuki’s “red cloud” outfits have become one of the most recognizable outfits in not only the franchise of Naruto, but perhaps in all of anime. You would be hard pressed to walk through an anime or comic convention and not see someone wearing this traditional coat. While each of the members were unique, their unifying attire brought them all together under the same umbrella and let their enemies know that the Akatsuki had arrived.
Akatsuki’s Characters Are Just Cooler
Itachi Uchiha, Obito. Orochimaro, Deidara. Madara Uchiha. Man if the Akatsuki didn’t just have the coolest villains of the ninja world, and while the Kara Organization has yet to wrap their story in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations, it doesn’t seem like they’ll be able to outdo their predecessors when it comes to sheer cool factor. Does anyone really think Boro stacks up to any of the original villain collective?