Viral Video Pits Naruto Against Goku, Itachi Outside High School

Who would win in a fight between Naruto's Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto's Itachi Uchiha, and Dragon [...]

Who would win in a fight between Naruto's Naruto Uzumaki, Naruto's Itachi Uchiha, and Dragon Ball's Goku? One viral video put this question to the test recently.

Twitter user famehazel recently posted a minute-long video that showcases three people dressed up like the aforementioned characters "fighting" outside what appears to be King/Drew Magnet High School of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles, California. You can check it out below:

In it, famehazel appears to play as Naruto, who runs up to and confronts someone portraying Itachi before Goku suddenly does a backflip into the background and begins fighting the two of them as well. There's multiple moments where sounds of hits are exaggerated and moves are slowed down to better showcase them, and it's perfectly... well, anime.

It's unclear if there's a winner here, beyond all of us watching everywhere. Goku seems to land the most definitive hits, while the other two do fine to good here and there. In the end, Naruto does his classic run to get away from the fight, leaving things rather open to interpretation. Was he getting backup? Was he running away? Hard to say.

What do you think? Is there one obvious winner here that we're overlooking? Let us know in the comments!
