One Piece‘s live-action series has been taking over Netflix ever since it first premiered around the world earlier this Summer, and the director behind the series is teasing some Easter Eggs that didn’t make the final cut around Gold Roger’s execution scene! One Piece‘s live-action adaptation starts in very much the same way as Eiichiro Oda’s original manga series as Gold Roger is executed before inciting the next pirate era as everyone searches for the One Piece treasure that he left behind. But it seems there were even more Easter Eggs planned than made it to the series.ย
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One Piece director Marc Jobst recently spoke with naEKRANIEpl on YouTube about his work on the series, and revealed that there were actually a few more Easter Eggs that didn’t make the final cut with Gold Roger’s execution scene! Explaining that because One Piece series creator Eiichiro Oda went back to reveal new info around the execution in the manga, it seems that the team behind the Netflix series had the same plan with Easter Eggs that didn’t make the cut.ย
New One Piece Live-Action Easter Eggs
“Man, you know, there were more,” Jobst began. “We had more Easter Eggs, you know. We shot a lot of stuff for those scenes, and it would be lovely if maybe in season two..because [One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda] quite often goes back to the execution of Gold Roger. So there’s quite a lot of material that we shot that we haven’t used, and it might be quite fun to use some of that kind of later on to build the bigger picture of Gold Roger’s execution. I don’t know what the showrunners have got in mind, but we had lots of other Easter Eggs that never got into the final cut.”
It’s yet to be revealed how Netflix will be tackling Season 2 of One Piece, but it’s now in production as the writers are back in action. With the SAG-AFTRA strike now over as well, it won’t be too much longer before production is in full steam on the next full season of the series. There’s currently no release date or window for the new season as of this writing, but you can catch up with the first season on Netflix.ย
What are you hoping to see from Gold Roger in One Piece‘s live-action future? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!