When it comes to two of the longest running anime franchises, One Piece and Case Closed are neck-and-neck. The story focusing on the trials and tribulations of Detective Conan have a bit of a headstart on the Straw Hat Pirates, with the anime franchise premiering in 1994. As both the manga and anime adaptation of the mystery series continue to this day, the anime franchise received an anniversary gift from none other than Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece.
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At present, Case Closed has passed eleven hundred anime episodes, with One Piece only a few episodes behind the story of Detective Conan. Like the anime adaptation focusing on the Grand Line, Case Closed has also had its fair share of feature-length films, releasing a staggering twenty-six movies so far. Unlike One Piece, Detective Conan’s mystery-solving story has also seen a number of spin-offs released in the past. This year, the Grand Line is expanding thanks to Netflix releasing Monsters, a story that takes place in the world of One Piece, though it might be tricky calling it a spin-off considering it actually predated Luffy and his crew hitting the scene. Ironically enough, Monsters premiered the same year as Case Closed.
Eiichiro Oda’s Detective Conan
One Piece’s creator has long been a fan of anime worlds that exist outside of his own. Clearly, Oda is a fan of Detective Conan, sharing his take on the detective who inhabits the body of a toddler. There has never been an official crossover between the Straw Hat Pirates and the pint-sized crime solver, though we’ve seen some wild crossovers in anime’s past and anything seems possible in the medium.
Case Closed currently have over five hundred episodes available to stream on Crunchyroll. The streaming service describes the long-running series as such, “The son of a world famous mystery writer, Shinichi Kudo, has achieved his own notoriety by assisting the local police as a student detective. He has always been able to solve the most difficult of criminal cases using his wits and power of reason.”
Do you want to see a crossover someday featuring these anime swashbucklers and sleuths? Which series do you think will have the longest run? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Detective Conan.