One Piece’s creator, Eiichiro Oda, is responsible for writing and drawing each new chapter of the popular Shonen series, but it’s a team effort in producing each installment in Weekly Shonen Jump. With the Final Arc of the series well underway as Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates have recently met Dr. Vegapunk and are on the run from the World Government, a new editor has been chosen to help Oda in bringing the series to an end, making for the twelfth editor to be a part of the Shonen’s manga.
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The previous eleven editors, if you’re interested in a quick rundown, that have assisted Oda in forging the story of the Straw Hat Pirates include:
- Takanori Asada – July 1997 to April 2001
- Takahiro Habuta – April 2001 to February 2005
- Watanabe – February 2005 to October 2006
- Naoki Kawashima – October 2006 to November 2007
- Kouhei Onishi – November 2007 to June 2008
- Akira Jean Baptiste Hattori – June 2008 to December 2010
- Takeru Isaka – December 2010 to June 2014
- Suguru Sugita – June 2014 to January 2017
- Takuma Naito – January 2017 to January 2019
- Takano Ken – January 2019 to June 2020
- Yuuji Iwasakai – June 2020 to February 2023
One Piece’s New Editor
The newest editor who will assist Eiichiro Oda in helping Luffy sail off into the sunset is Anayama, who has taken the place of Yuuji Iwasakai. Over the past history of the Grand Line, editors have routinely been swapped out, on average, every two to three years, so it should come as no surprise to see it happen once again. While Oda hasn’t revealed how many more chapters, and/or years, that One Piece’s manga has left in the tank, it should be interested to see if Anayama will be the final editor for the Shonen series.
While the manga has entered the Final Arc, the anime adaptation continues the story of the War For Wano as Luffy and his allies fight against Kaido and his Beast Pirates. The big moment that fans are waiting for is the arrival of Luffy’s Gear Fifth transformation, which already took the world by storm via the manga, but has yet to arrive proper in the anime television series.
Do you think getting a new editor will see any changes with One Piece’s manga? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line.