Netflix's One Piece Producers Tease What's Next After That Post-Credits Scene

The producers behind Netflix's One Piece live-action series tease what's coming after Season 1's post-credits scene.

One Piece's live-action debut has been such a success for Netflix that a Season 2 seems like a possibility, and the producers behind the series have opened up about the Season 2 tease seen in the first season's post-credits scene! One Piece's first season with Netflix ended with a post-credits scene teasing that a mysterious figure (which fans of the manga will likely recognize) targeting Luffy next. While there has not been any confirmation that a Season 2 was in the works, this post-credits scene teased that there were some plans in place for a continuation. 

Netflix's One Piece live-action series has been a massive success for the streaming service as it has risen to the top of the charts ever since it made its premiere, and the executive producers at Tomorrow Studios, Marty Adelstein and Becky Clements, opened up about the end of the first season and what the post-credits scene was teasing for the future. While coy about confirming the identity of the mysterious figure for fans who might not be aware of what's next in the anime or manga, the producers explained that the post-credits scene was something added after they were done filming to tease that there was an ongoing plan for the future in place. 

(Photo: Netflix)

Netflix's One Piece Post-Credits Scene Explained

Speaking with Deadline about the post-credits scene in Netflix's One Piece, executive producer Eric Clements explained that, "[T]he end of the season leads to the next natural chapter for the manga, that's what that [credits scene] indicates. That was the idea, we wanted to give fans a little stepping stone, something they recognize that indicated where we might be heading." In fact, this post-credits scene was added after initial filming to tease their creative plan for the future. "That was very intentional, and something that we added after filming because we wanted to indicate that we have a plan creatively, that we thought would please the fans," Clements explained. 

For fans of the anime, it means that a potential One Piece Season 2 would then feature Smoker, a notable Marine who first makes his introduction during the Loguetown arc of Eiichiro Oda's original manga. It's a pivotal moment for Luffy and the Straw Hats, and it seems like if we're getting more episodes then fans of the live-action series will see this moment come to life. 

Are you hoping to see One Piece's live-action series return for Season 2 on Netflix? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animation and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!

via Deadline