Rick And Morty recently finished its fifth season on the Cartoon Network programming block, Adult Swim, but the popular animated series isn’t resting on its laurels before the arrival of season six, as the television show has partnered with the fast-food chain Wendy’s to create a new food truck. In the past, the series has appeared at the restaurant chain with a specialty drive-in attraction and even its own brand of sodas that fans could try out, but now, the Adult Swim juggernaut has created a hilarious new food truck that fuses the two names in one vehicle.
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The Morty’smobile will be appearing at a Wendy’s establishment this weekend, as a part of the Adult Swim Festival, at a Panorama City Location in Los Angeles, California, with the truck having a giant version of Rick Sanchez’s grandson on the top of the vehicle, screaming. The Vice President of Media and Social for Wendy’s, Jimmy Bennett, had this to say about the creation of the vehicle in an official press release:
“Cold and soggy fries suck. It’s as simple as that. We know Rick and Morty fans deserve better, so we sent the Morty’smobile to save the day and rescue fans with Wendy’s new Hot and Crispy fries.”
The vehicle itself can be seen below:
The Executive Vice President of WarnerMedia, Katrina Cukaj, also had this to say about the unique partnership:
“WarnerMedia is constantly collaborating with Wendy’s to tell the next chapter of our journey together in a way that is meaningful and fun for Adult Swim fans across the massive multiverse. For this year’s Adult Swim Festival, that is no exception. We’re stitching together successes from real-life and multi-platform experiences to give Rick and Morty fanatics something to savor … something that’s Hot and Crispy!”
This year’s Adult Swim Festival will see the arrival of a new Rick And Morty short that focuses on the world of samurai under the title of “Samurai & Shogun,” along with a number of other announcements for some of the other biggest properties under the tent of the Cartoon Network programming block.
What do you think of this bizarre union? What secrets do you hope will be revealed at this year’s Adult Swim Festival? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Smith Clan.