Rick and Morty might be preparing to come back to Adult Swim with the final episodes of Season 6 very soon, but the showrunner behind the series has offered a major update on the now in production Season 8 of the series! Season 6 of the Adult Swim animated series has been shaking things up quite a lot as it has been paying more attention to the connecting threads in between each episode, so fans have been eager to see how the season will end. But it turns out that those behind the scenes have already gone far beyond Season 6 in their work on it.
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With Rick and Morty Season 6 coming back to Adult Swim for its final episodes beginning on Sunday, November 20 at 11:00PM EST, ComicBook.com got the chance to speak with current executive producer and showrunner Scott Marder about the final episodes of the season. When we had asked whether or not there was a chance we’d get to see Rick Prime, Evil Morty, Night Summer, or any of the other fan favorites in the series began, Marder revealed that the team is now on the “backside” of writing Season 8!ย

What’s in Store for Rick and Morty Season 8?
First asking if Rick Prime was going to return to the series any time soon, Marder could not confirm when but did confirm that we would see the new villain again with, “I can’t say when, but you’ll definitely see him again.” As for many of the other new or old villains fans have been asking to see again, Marder revealed that they are “in play” as the team is writing Season 8 at the time of this interview, “I think you’ll be excited to hear that we are tracking all sorts of fun stuff like that. We’re on the backside of writing season eight right now and all those are things that are in play.”
READ MORE: Rick and Morty Season 8 Already in the Works, Says Producer | Rick and Morty Writer Shares Special Season 8 Update
With Rick and Morty previously teasing that we would see new episodes of the series at a more frequent rate than ever before, it seems like the team behind the series has been chugging along in the future slate of episodes. Perhaps this will also lead to much more connectivity between episodes as fans have been enjoying, but thankfully it won’t be long until we see what’s next as Rick and Morty Season 6 hits Adult Swim on November 20 with the first of its final episodes.ย
Are you excited to see that Rick and Morty’s team is thinking several seasons ahead? What are you hoping to see in Rick and Morty Season 8? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!